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Venom Voice Actor Tony Todd Says Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Is Launching In September




Venom voice actor Tony Todd may have just given away the release window for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, with the actor claiming that the Game "looks like" it will launch at some point in September. Todd also claims that PlayStation is unsuprisingly preparing for a large marketing rollout towards the end of the summer, with commercials expected to launch at some point this August.

Todd revealed this in the most casual way you can possibly imagine, replying to a fan on Twitter who is excited for the Game's eventual release. Of course, Todd is heavily involved in the development of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, so it's extremely likely that the information he has provided is accurate. That being said, Game development can shift dramatically, so we won't know for sure if this is the confirmed release window until we get official confirmation from Insomniac or PlayStation.


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Todd's comments do back up a couple of previous stories surrounding PlayStation and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 though. Firstly, it was discovered in December last year that a writer on the title had listed the Game's release window as Fall 2023 on their personal website, and a September launch would line up with that. Secondly, industry insider Jeff Grubb has claimed that a large PlayStation showcase will take place just before E3 this summer, and that now seems more likely as PlayStation will definitely want to show off some Gameplay before launch, with a big showcase the best place for it to do that.

If the September release window is accurate, then it will also see PlayStation throwing down with Xbox for the month's biggest release. Bethesda recently revealed that Starfield will be launching on September 6, meaning Spider-Man could potentially be comPeting against one heck of a rival later this year.

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