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Zack Snyder Is Making A Game Based On His Unreleased Netflix Movie




Zack Snyder has confirmed there will be an RPG set in the Rebel Moon universe. If you're wondering what the hell Rebel Moon is, you're not alone. It's the new movie Snyder is currently working on for Netflix. Evidently a project all parties involved have a lot of faith in as Snyder has made the video Game tie-in sound like an incredibly big deal.

Speaking with The Nerd Queens about all things Rebel Moon, Snyder tiptoed around whether he should even reveal whether the movie is getting its own Game or not. Once he eventually decided to let that information slip, he then proceeded to tread very carefully when it comes to the broader details, let alone the finer ones. No word on who is developing the project, and not even confirmation on what platforms it will be available on.

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The most logical assumption is that Rebel Moon's video Game will be a mobile one. Netflix is making the movie and has its own library of Games available through the mobile version of its app. The streaming service is currently working on a triple-A live service PC Game, though, so clearly wants to expand its horizons. There's a very real chance its unnamed Game and Snyder's Rebel Moon RPG are one and the same.

Snyder's comments certainly suggest the Rebel Moon Game will be more than a mobile one. Not only does the director seem very excited about the project, but he describes asking it be on a “ridiculous scale” when the idea for an accompanying RPG was pitched to him. He also talks about incorporating everything in his Rebel Moon universe, meaning the Game might well focus on an entirely different story and characters than the movie.

The thing about all of this is outside of some concept art, we still know very little about exactly what Rebel Moon is. Apparently, Snyder originally pitched Rebel Moon as a Star Wars movie, so expect the project to pull a lot of inspiration from a galaxy far, far away. Rebel Moon is currently slated to arrive on Netflix in December, so don't expect to see anything from its Game until early 2024 at least.

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