In a heartwarming story of resilience and compassion, a homeless dog named Holly found herself shedding tears of joy after enduring...
Chicago’s new police chief says the city’s use of police stations as temporary housing for thousands of migrants seeking asylum...
The Federal Reserve’s expected move Wednesday to raise interest rates for the 11th time could once again send ripple effects across...
The rural community of San Juan Tlacotenco is among 2 billion people around the world without access to clean and safe drinking water,...
If Donald Trump doesn't attend his defamation and battery trial in New York City next week, his attorney says it will be to spare...
FBI and CISA urge "revamp" of certain software to take burden of cybersecurity off customers.U.S. and international government...
By Herb Weiss, contributing writer on aging issues Almost eight years ago, Rhode Island lawmakers reduced the tax burden on older...
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says on the second leg on her African tour it's “critically important” to address Zambia's...