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7 Most Commonly Forgotten Items When Packing for Vacation




We’ve all been there – zipping up the suitcase only to get that gnawing feeling that something crucial has been left behind. And let’s be real, there are some places where you just won’t find your favorite sunscreen. And if you do, you may have to pay a small fortune.

Not to mention, getting any prescription medication can be a nightmare when you aren’t in your home country.

Packing is a bit of a dance. Call me crazy, but I firmly believe that making nifty lists and laying things out a few days in advance makes it easier to point out if anything is missing.

Whether you’re an over-preparer or a last-minute stuffer, here’s a quick refresher on the seven items often left behind:

7. Passport


The good thing about leaving your passport behind is that you’re certain to realize before leaving the country. The bad thing? You could miss a flight, which not only can be hellishly expensive, but is sure to fully activate panic-mode.

Sure, it’s a rookie mistake. But you’d be surprised how many times a passport gets left behind. Passports are usually hidden away in a safe space, which only makes them easier to forget.

My advice? Keep your passport with your wallet and phone, and triple-check it’s there at every stage of the packing process – putting your things in your bag, as you zip it closed, and as you get into the Uber.

6. Phone Charger (and Adapter)


There is nothing worse than watching your phone battery die on a long journey. And unfortunately, it’s only then that you’ll realize you forgot your chargers at home. I can confirm that it is a heart dropping moment.

Chargers are one of those tiny essentials that often slip through the cracks in the packing process. They’re usually plugged in so discretely that they become a part of the furniture. So, you can see how easy it is to unplug your phone without thinking twice about bringing the charger along, too.

Even if you do remember your charger, you also need to remember an adapter for international Travel.

I always travel with two adapters, one in my hand luggage and another stashed in my suitcase, just in case one gets misplaced.

5. Over-the-Counter Medicines

Over-the-Counter Medicines

If I had a penny for every time I wished for a painkiller or an anti-nausea pill on a long flight, I would be rich. Instead, I find myself navigating the foreign pharmacy Game, trying to decipher ingredient lists and find pills most like the ones I am used to back home.

From headaches to sudden colds, carrying a small stash of essential medicines like ibuprofen, antihistamines, and stomach pills is always worthwhile. I keep mine in a little bag that comes everywhere with me. When I use up medications, I replace them once I’m home and am good to go for the next trip.

It’s unclear whether Travelers actually forget these items or just don’t believe they are necessary. Well, when you need them, you need them. And it’s much better to have stock of the brands you recognize than having to figure it out using Google Translate.

4. Toothbrush


Oh, the humble toothbrush. So necessary, so often left behind. Luckily, this is one of those items that is typically easy and affordable to find abroad. That is unless you’re Traveling to a remote part of the world.

There’s a chance your toothbrush is the last thing you’ll use before you hop into the Uber (for hygiene’s sake, I hope it is). Because of this, it’s one of the easiest things to put down and leave behind in a hurry.

I make a point of keeping two toothbrushes at all times. This way, I can pack one to-go, and still brush my teeth just before leaving the house. Plus, I like to keep them in a clean little travel toothbrush case.

3. Sunscreen


You’ve traveled far and arrived at a new summer destination, and your first port of call is the beach. But wait, you’ve forgotten your sunscreen at home. Not only does this mean having to derail your plans to find a convenience store, but it also means splurging on a product you would pay half for back home.

Beach towns, islands, and coastal cities are notorious for hiking up the prices of their sunscreen. While a clever money-making scheme, it’s silly things like this that are the most irritating things to spend your saved-up travel cash on.

It’s one of those things that you will use every day on most summer trips and even on a ski holiday (hello, goggle tan!), so why not be prepared and arrive with your favorite brand and SPF ready to go?

2. Umbrella


Yes, umbrellas are bulky and not always the first thing you want to spend precious suitcase space on. But picture this: you arrive at your destination, get all dressed up, and suddenly a rainstorm hits. Now you’re soaked and trying to take cover under building overhangs and trees, only to head into a cafe to wait out the storm.

I always pack a small, compact, lightweight umbrella wherever I go. Unless you’re staying at the Ritz or visiting the Namibian desert, chances are you’ll run into a little rain, monsoon, or wintery.

Instead of spending time and money abroad, toss one in your bag and be ready for anything Mother Nature throws at you. The same goes for a lightweight, waterproof jacket.

1. First-Aid Kit

First-Aid Kit

Blisters from strolling a city, infamous chafing from the first day of a hike, and scratches from a sharp coral reef. Things happen while on holiday, and carrying a first-aid kit is always a good idea wherever you Travel.

It’s easy to forget about the possibilities of injury – who wants to think about these things when preparing for a vacation, anyway? But really, any clever traveler should. In addition to a bag of over-the-counter meds, I like to pack a small bag of antiseptic ointment, a selection of band-aids, and a bit of gauze for emergencies.

You never know. A makeshift blister pad could stop you from having to hobble your way to the top of Machu Picchu.
