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Oh Drops Celtic Exit Hint on Instagram




Celtic striker Oh Hyeon-gyu looks like he will be the first of many fringe players to depart the club this summer.

Brendan Rodgers has a fattened squad which needs trimming, and the South Korean striker is set for an exit following 18 months in Glasgow.

Hyeon-gyu Oh
4th November 2023; Victoria Park, Dingwall, Scotland: Scottish Premiership Football, Ross County versus Celtic; Ben Purrington of Ross County slide tackles Hyeongyu Oh of Celtic

It has been reported that Oh has agreed on personal terms with Belgian top-tier outfit KRC Genk, with the side in discussions with Celtic over a deal worth £4.2m plus bonuses.

The Scottish champions making just under £2m profit on a striker who scored 12 goals in 47 appearances has to be commended.

It looks like it will only be a matter of time before Oh leaves Celtic, with him even dropping hints over a move on Instagram.

Early this morning, he posted a story of himself training, simply writing ‘Next one…’:

Oh Instagram Hint

It isn’t difficult to suggest what ‘one’ is a metaphor for. Oh may as well have written ‘Next club’, especially after he deleted all of his Celtic posts from his Instagram account.

It is a matter of when not if regarding the attacker’s Parkhead exit. Not rated by manager Brendan Rodgers, Oh’s move is best for all parties.
