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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Will Require 130GB Of Space According To Leak




Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be a topic of conversation later this week since it was confirmed the Fallen Order sequel will be shown off at The Game Awards. However, most of the info that will be revealed on Thursday, including what is a pretty hefty file size, may well have been revealed by accident earlier this week.

Survivor's Steam page seemingly went live a few days ahead of time. On that page for the few moments it was visible to the world was a March 16, 2023 release date, and a description detailing new force abilities and other lightsaber fighting styles. Among the details that have since been taken down were the PC requirements which have the new game occupying an eye-watering 130GB if accurate (via GamesRadar).


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Although the Steam details naturally only included the requirements for the PC version of Jedi: Survivor, if 130GB is the right number, it will likely be similar for consoles too. Obviously don't go clearing out room on your hard drives just yet, at least not until some sort of confirmation later this week, but it might be time to start thinking about which Games will have to go to make room. Especially if you'll be playing on a Series S as 130GB is more than a quarter of the space it has available.

Cal Kestis in Jedi: Survivor.

Games have naturally been getting bigger as they become more in-depth and detailed, but anything north of 100GB ranks up there with some of the biggest Games on the market right now. Up there with the likes of Call of Duty which tasks its players with finding a massive amount of space each and every year. On the bright side when it comes to CoD, each new Game replaces the one from the year before, so it's usually not difficult to decide what needs to be deleted.

Also listed on Steam before Jedi: Survivor's listing was taken down were the pre-order bonuses, among which were blasters. The far grittier-looking Cal Kestis also won't have a customizable poncho in the next Game. The first Gameplay for Jedi: Survivor will be shown off this Thursday at The Game Awards along with up to 40 more announcements which will include news regarding Final Fantasy 16.

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