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The Best, Most Hilarious Trump Burns and Comebacks From Democrats and Team Kamala




The 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) has now concluded, but the best Trump burns from the Democrats and Kamala Harris continue to bring laughs across all corners of the internet. Here are the best and funniest moments to have emerged from the four day convention, as well as the most epic moments.

The gauntlets are off and the burns are in, with the 2024 US Presidential elections set to chart a sassy new course. Crashing into the current US political scene with all the subtlety of a bulldozer, Kamala Harris and her marketing team have done the impossible: Appeal to older democrats whilst opening the door to welcome a fresh new generation of Gen Z and young Millennial voters. Here are all the best and most hilarious Trump burns and comebacks that the Democrats and Kamala Harris have served in the race so far.

The DNC may have just ended, but Democrats’ beef with their Republican counterparts has been months (if not generations) in the making. Case in point: In the months following Biden’s exit from the 2024 Presidential race, Democrats have taken their cues from Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, whose inimitable way with words has left many a powerful man speechless. Emboldened by the success they have found amongst young voters by simply speaking their sassiest truths, Democrats are getting spicy. 

best trump burns democrats kamala harris
Rejuvenated by the selection of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz as Democratic nominees for the 2024 US elections, the Democratic Party have gotten spicy in recent days, with delivering some of the best burns against Donald Trump. (Image: Kamala Harris/Instagram)

Across social media platforms, Democrats have taken to destroying their political opponents in an unexpected, if effective manner: Through memes, burns, and jokes, adopting the ballsy (and slightly unhinged) energy of singer Charli XCX’s viral Brat Girl Summer trend. 

And they aren’t the only ones. 

From the heated debates of the primaries to the trading of barbs across media channels, both sides of the fence are committed to serving fiery comebacks that highlight the deficiencies of their political opponents. The only difference? While Democrats have proven their wit and mettle in delivering burns that truly sting, Republicans, led by Trump, have taken a different approach. 

Pitting Trump’s comebacks vs Democratic burns 

Let’s face it: Donald Trump has never been much of a wordsmith. These deficiencies were less pronounced while his primary opponent was Joe Biden; however, Kamala Harris’ ascent as Democratic nominee has more than highlighted where he falls short. At 78, Trump’s most used verbiage includes gems such as, “Lock her up”, “You’re fired”, “Bigly”, “Fake news”, “The failing New York Times”, and whatever “Covfefe” is. 

That’s right. Ladies and gentlemen: The next William Shakespeare. 

Beyond his (often) nonsensical catch phrases, Trump is also known to adopt degrading nicknames when speaking of his political opponents — because critiquing their policies, positions, and actions is so 2012. While that line of offence may have worked when his opponent was former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, whose reputation had suffered ‘bigly’ even before her presidential bid, the same rules do not apply today. 

To date, Trump has called Harris a veritable lazy Susan of nicknames, none of which have appeared to stick. Whether he’s disparaging her heritage by calling her ‘Kamabla’ or insulting the intelligence of his audience by spelling out the L-Y-I-N’ in ‘Lyin’ Kamala’, Trump and his party are clearly stumped for how to take on Harris’ savvy marketing and campaign. 

And it shows. 

While the Republicans’ burns only extend so far as name calling reminiscent of schoolyard taunts, Democrats have taken a quippier approach. From Tim Walz’s game-changing use of the word ‘weird’ in describing Trump’s camp to Harris’ head-on callout of Trump’s refusal to debate her, Democrats are on a roll — and the internet is here for it. 

To that end, here are some of the best and most hilarious Trump-Vance burns from the Democratic party and Team Kamala. 

The best and most hilarious Trump burns from the Democrats and Team Kamala 

Black jobs 

At the recently concluded DNC, former first lady Michelle Obama took to the stage to address the attendees. Speaking on her and husband Barack Obama’s experiences during his time as coMMAnder-in-chief, Michelle shared, “For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hard working, highly educated people who happen to be black.” 

Recalling Trump’s disastrous showing at the National Association of Black Journalists in Chicago, Michelle went on to shade the former president, adding, “Wait. I wanna know. I wanna know… who’s gonna tell him… who’s gonna tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those black jobs?” 

Age isn’t just a number 

While the Trump campaign had initially used Joe Biden’s age as a strong talking point against voting blue, they have had difficulty taking that same road with Harris, who is notably two decades younger than Trump himself. Taking a shot at Trump ageism, Bill Clinton took to the stage to address the audience, joking that he was “too old to gild a lily.” The former president shared that he had recently celebrated his 78th birthday, the oldest man in his family for four generations. He then added, “And the only personal vanity I want to assert is I’m still younger than Donald Trump.” 

Childless cat ladies 

While TV host and producer Oprah Winfrey had taken her time to officially endorse Kamala Harris’ run for presidency, she did so with a bang at the 2024 DNC, taking to the stage to address the crowd and asking America to choose ‘joy’ come November. In her speech, the television mogul took shots at Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance, who found himself the subject of much controversy when a 2021 comment he made about ‘childless cat ladies’ went viral earlier this year. 

“Despite what some would have you think, we are not so different from our neighbours. When a house is on fire, we don’t ask about the homeowner’s race or religion, we don’t wonder who their partner is or how they voted. No. We just try to do the best we can to save them,” Oprah said, before adding, “And if the place happens to belong to a childless cat lady, well, we try to get that cat out, too.” 

Crowd sizes 

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Former president Barack Obama is well known for his biting wit and sharp clap backs, with numerous mic drop moments that have left the world in awe. Following up on his wife Michelle Obama’s inspiring speech at the 2024 DNC, Obama appeared to make fun of Trump’s obsession with ‘crowd sizes’ — except, he was not actually talking about crowd sizes. And in true Obama fashion, he made sure we knew. 

Polite Pence 

United States Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and former mayor of South Bend, Indiana is yet another Democratic figurehead known for his wit and well-spokenness. At the 2024 DNC, Buttigieg took political clap backs to a whole new level when he compared Trump’s new running mate to his former vice president. Speaking on Vance’s likeability as a whole — and no doubt echoing the sentiment of many Americans — Buttigieg said, “And don’t even get me started on his running mate. At least Mike Pence was polite.” 

Sofa so good 

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts was among the speakers who addressed the audience at the 2024 DNC, delivering her speech with sass. Speaking on the trustworthiness of the Trump campaign, Warren fired shots at Vance, whose book Hillbilly Elegy had alluded to Vance’s indecent acts with a sofa — much to the media’s delight. Said Warren, “Trust Donald Trump and J.D. Vance to look out for your family? Shoot… I wouldn’t let those guys. I wouldn’t trust them to move my couch.” 

Silenced and speechless 

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While Kamala Harris’ time in social media spotlight has significantly increased following her induction into the Brat Girl Summer trend on TikTok, she has long leveraged her sharp wit in taking prosecuting criminals and the like — Donald Trump included. Fully cognisant of this, the Democrats and the Harris-Walz campaign released a new advertisement during the 2024 DNC, highlighting some of Harris’ best moments. In the footage, the former attorney general of California is shown employing sound logic in questioning, expertly leaving her subjects speechless. 

Debate woes 

While several shining moments have emerged throughout the course of Harris’ campaign, few have been as memorable as Harris’ brilliant callout of her opponent Trump upon his refusal to debate with her. Speaking to a crowd at a Georgia rally in late July, Harris uttered her now-immortal challenge, “Well, Donald… I do hope you’ll reconsider to meet me on the debate stage. Because as the saying goes, if you’ve got something to say, say it to my face.” 

The Trump and Harris camps find common ground 

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With coconut memes fresh on the mind, the Harris campaign’s marketing team has cleverly kept their social media momentum rolling with an expert touch. In a savage, yet to-the-point TikTok post, Harris found common ground and even agreed with her opponent Trump — hilariously, to his detriment. 

We are never getting back together 

Speaking onstage at the 2024 DNC, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries took shots at Trump, jokingly referring to him as America’s clingy ex-boyfriend who refused to move on. “The road ahead will not be easy, which brings me to you-know-who,” Jeffries said, adding, “Donald Trump is like an old boyfriend who you broke up with but he just won’t go away. He has spent the last four years spinning the block, trying to get back into a relationship with the American people. Bro… we broke up with you for a reason.” 

Trash talk 

In the early days of her 2020 presidential run, Kamala Harris appeared at The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, joining the comedian in a segment called Kamala Harris & Jimmy Slow Jam The News. During the sequence, Fallon recalled Boy George’s Karma Chameleon, asking, “Now tell me this, Kamakamakamakamakamala Harris… by now we’ve seen the Democrats getting down and dirty on the debate stage… what about debating President Trump? You think you could deliver the goods against the coMMAnder in chief?” 

Undeterred, Harris responded, “Well, Jimmy, if I do debate President Trump, I’m sure it will be a competitive face off where either one of us could end up on top.” Moments later, however, in response to a confused Fallon’s ‘really?’, Harris let us know what she really thought. “No, Jimmy, I’d wipe the floor with him.”

While the burn is four years in the making, the sentiment nonetheless remains true today. In the lead up to the 2024 Presidential elections, political pundits are looking ahead to a Trump-Harris debate. Given Harris’ History of rendering her opponents speechless, we can only assume that it will be a feisty exchange to remember.


Former Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham took the stage at the 2024 DNC in a stunning show of loyalty to America, and she brought receipts. Sharing her experience in the Trump camp during the January 6 sacking of the Capitol, Grisham spoke on how she had asked former first lady Melania Trump if they could tweet that ‘there was no place for lawlessness or violence’, receiving only a single-worded answer: No. 

Defeated and disillusioned, Grisham quit the Trump regime, becoming the first senior staffer to hand in her resignation that day. “When I was press secretary, I got skewered for never holding a White House briefing,” She said. “It’s because unlike my boss, I never wanted to stand at that podium and lie. Now here I am, behind a podium, advocating for a Democrat. And that’s because I love my country more than my party.” 

Proper pronunciation 

Poking fun at Trump’s refusal to properly pronounce Harris’ name, Scandal‘s Kerry Washington took the stage at the 2024 DNC to teach a valuable lesson. Joined by two of Harris’ young nieces, Washington said, “It’s come to my attention that there are some folks who struggle, or pretend to struggle with the proper pronunciation of our future president’s name. So hear me out… confusion is understandable. Disrespect is not. So tonight, we are going to help everyone get it right.” 

Wealth trumps 

J.B. Pritzker had an opportunity to do the funniest thing ever — and he did. Speaking at the 2024 DNC, the Illinois governor fired shots at Trump’s perceived wealth, saying, “Trump thinks that we should trust him on the economy, because he claims to be very rich. But take it from an actual billionaire… Trump is rich in only one thing — stupidity.” 

America’s dad gets spicy 

Minnesota governor Tim Walz, who has been adopted as ‘America’s dad’, proved to be the perfect spicy pick for Kamala Harris’ running mate. On August 6, Walz was formally introduced in a Philadelphia rally, and he wasted no time calling out Trump for his criminal record. Said Walz, “And make no mistake. Violent crime was up under Donald Trump. That’s not even counting the crimes he committed.”

(Main image: Kamala Harris/Instagram, The Democrats/Instagram; featured image: Kamala Harris/Instagram)
