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Qigong Workshop: Master Budiman Handjaja Returns to Island Shangri-La’s Yun Wellness




Following a sold-out session in March, Island Shangri-La’s Yun Wellness is bringing back the Circulation of Qi for Health Qigong Workshop from 7-14 September 2024. Led by world-renowned Qigong Master Budiman Handjaja, the eight-day intensive course offers another rare opportunity for personal transformation and a deeper connection to your inner power.

Originating in ancient China, Qigong is a holistic system deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy. This mind-body practice combines coordinated body postures, movements, breathing exercises and meditation to enhance the flow of vital energy (qi) throughout the body.

As we age, our capacity to generate and circulate this energy naturally declines. Master Budiman’s Qigong training aims to help participants reclaim their ability to produce, process, and harness more qi.

A leading figure in the world of Qigong, Prestige spoke to Master Budiman Handjaja ahead of his workshop at Yun Wellness in Hong Kong.

Master Budiman is returning to Island Shangri-La’s Yun Wellness

How did your journey with Qigong start?

When I was young, I used to read martial art story books (武侠小说), and very familiar with the term internal energy (内功) and meditation (打坐). At that time, my perception about all those were just storytelling – that it does not happen in real life time. I went to the UK to further my Education in medical Science, specialising in Physiology, at the University of London. At that time I didn’t believe at all in meditation. Then in 2003, I was given a book, 真气运行学, by a friend about this Qigong meditation, written by a doctor in China. After reading the book, it completely changed my mind what I thought Qigong and meditation were.

What makes your Qigong workshop special and what can guests expect?

Our Qigong workshop is based on building a better Health for everyone. it is very scientific – all explanations are given from scientific, medical points of view, not associated to any belief, mystic, occult, nor religion. It is proven, by a few Chinese artifacts, to be the safest way of practicing Qigong, and in the past 20 years more than a hundred doctors and medical professionals have joined our workshops.

What is the main difference between Qigong and Tai Chi?

There are many hundred types of Qigong in China, but out of all the many Qigong practices, they are basically divided into two forms: meditation type (静功) and movement type (动功). Tai Chi (太极) is one type of the Movement Qigong (动功).

The meditation type making Qi flows in microcosmic circulation form (小周天), whereas the movement type makes Qi flow in macrocosmic circulation form (大周天). Microcosmic circulation is the foundation for all macrocosmic circulation practices. Therefore, people who want to practice Tai Chi should start from the meditation type Qigong practice, because Tai Chi is macrocosmic. Without microcosmic circulation of Qi, macrocosmic circulation will just not work well. Our Qigong practice is the meditation type [microcosmic circulation form].

Do you believe Qigong can relieve pain?

Not all Qigong practices can, but our Qigong practice does indeed relieve pains.

What chronic diseases can Qigong help with?

There are many varieties of chronic illnesses that our Qigong practice helps to suppress and heal completely, especially illnesses that are not caused by bacteria and viruses. But, of course, to get healing process from our Qigong practice, one must practice diligently. The old saying: “Practice makes perfect, no pain no gain”.

The workshop will be held at Island Shangri-La’s luxurious Yun Wellness

How safe is Qigong really?

This is a very important question to ask. Not all Qigong practices are safe. In martial art story books, we often read people got internal injuries (内伤) when they practiced Qigong. That’s because they didn’t practice correctly or according to the physiological function of the human body.

Our Qigong practice is created by a doctor and the practice is created according to the physiological function of human body. So, yes, our Qigong practice is very safe. After 20 years of teaching more than 18,000 people, not a single person has ever complained of any side effect.

What age do you suggest people start practicing Qigong?

There is no age limit for people to practice our Qigong. As long as you can understand instructions, you can join the training. Our students’ age ranges from 7 years to 94-year-old seniors. Of course, the younger you start, the more effective it will be and the sooner you can benefit from better Health.

Workshop Details:

Dates: 7-14 September 2024

Time: 10am – 5pm daily (6 hours of instruction with 1-hour lunch break)

Location: 56/F Harbour Room, Island Shangri-La, Pacific Place, Supreme Court Road, Admiralty

Course Fee: HK$ 16,800 per person (Early bird fee: HK$ 13,800 per person if registered one month in advance)
