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New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s former aide accused of being a ‘secret agent working for China.’Cau




New York Governor Kathy Hochul

### Former Aide to Governor Hochul Charged with Acting as an Agent for China

**Linda Sun**, a former aide to New York Governor **Kathy Hochul**, and her husband **Chris Hu** have been arrested and charged with serious offenses, including acting as undisclosed agents for the Chinese government. The couple was taken into custody at their Long Island home, valued at **$3.5 million**.

#### Charges Against Sun and Hu

– **Linda Sun** (41):
– Violating and conspiring to violate the **Foreign Agents Registration Act**
– **Visa fraud**
– **Alien smuggling**
– **Money laundering**

– **Chris Hu** (40):
– Conspiracy to commit **money laundering**
– Conspiracy to commit **bank fraud**
– Misuse of means of **identification**

The couple is expected to appear in court for the first time on Tuesday.

#### Allegations and Scheme Details

Prosecutors allege that Sun advanced the interests of China while working in New York state government. Key points from the indictment include:

– **Blocking Access**: At the behest of Chinese officials, Sun obstructed Taiwanese government representatives from accessing high-level officials in New York state.
– **Shaping Messaging**: She aligned New York governmental messaging with the priorities of the Chinese government.
– **Facilitating Travel**: Sun attempted to arrange a trip to China for a high-level politician from New York.

In exchange for her actions, Sun and Hu reportedly received benefits, including assistance for Hu’s Business in China and undisclosed tickets to performances by visiting Chinese cultural groups. A personal chef for a Chinese government official even delivered specialized food items to Sun’s family.

#### Financial Misconduct

The couple allegedly laundered financial proceeds from these activities, using them to fund their property purchases, including:

– Their **Manhasset** home
– A **condominium in Hawaii** worth **$1.9 million**
– Luxury vehicles, including a **2024 Ferrari**

The FBI had previously searched their home in July but did not disclose details at the time.

#### Response from Government Officials

United States Attorney **Breon Peace** stated, “As alleged, while appearing to serve the people of New York… the defendant and her husband actually worked to further the interests of the Chinese government.”

Governor Hochul’s office confirmed that Sun was terminated from her role after evidence of misconduct was uncovered. They reported the matter to law enforcement and have cooperated with the investigation.

#### Background on Linda Sun

– Sun worked in state government for about **15 years**, including positions in former Governor **Andrew Cuomo’s** administration.
– She served as **Hochul’s deputy chief of staff** and later held the role of deputy commissioner for strategic Business development at the New York Department of Labor until her departure in March 2023.

This situation highlights significant concerns about foreign iNFLuence in state government and raises questions about transparency and security in public service roles.
