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Morning vs. Evening Walks Which Is Better for Weight Loss




When it comes to weight loss, walking is a widely embraced form of exercise that offers numerous health benefits. A common question among those considering walking as part of their fitness regimen is whether it’s more effective to walk in the morning or in the evening. To provide clarity on this topic, we consulted with wellness expert Simran Valecha and ACE-certified nutritionist Anju Valecha, who shed light on various aspects of this debate.

Weight loss fundamentally involves burning more calories than you consume. Walking, a moderate aerobic exercise, contributes to this calorie deficit. The number of calories burned during a walk is iNFLuenced by factors such as duration, intensity, and individual body composition.

Morning walks vs. evening walks: Which is a better weight loss exercise?

Morning walks: Advantages and disadvantages

Metabolic boost

Walking in the morning can kickstart your metabolism for the day. Engaging in physical activity shortly after waking up increases your heart rate and activates fat-burning mechanisms. However, Simran Valecha emphasises that “scientifically, there is no research suggesting that the calories burnt or your metabolism varies if you workout or walk at different hours.” This implies that while morning walks might offer a boost in the early hours, the overall impact on metabolism is not significantly different from walking at other times of the day.

Consistency and routine

Morning walks are often associated with higher consistency. Establishing a routine early in the day can be easier and may reduce the likelihood of disruptions. As Anju Valecha notes, “It’s important for everyone to have some movement through the day,” highlighting that any time of day can be beneficial if it supports a consistent routine.

Improved mood and energy

Morning exercise can enhance mood and energy levels throughout the day. Exposure to natural sunlight during a morning walk helps regulate circadian rhythms and improve sleep patterns. According to scientific studies, aerobic exercise, including walking, has been shown to improve sleep quality, mood, and concentration (Kalak et al., 2012). However, this benefit is not exclusive to morning walks.

Potential for increased hunger

One potential drawback of morning walks is an increase in apPetite. Some people find that morning exercise heightens hunger, which could potentially negate the calorie deficit created by the walk.

Evening walks: Advantages and disadvantages

Better performance and flexibility

Evening walks may offer better performance for some individuals, as energy levels and physical performance often peak later in the day. Walking in the evening can be more enjoyable and sustainable if you feel more energetic at that time.

Stress relief

Walking in the evening can also serve as an effective way to relieve stress accumulated throughout the day. Reduced stress levels contribute to overall health and can aid weight management.

Post-dinner calorie burn

An evening walk can help with digestion and prevent excess calories from a late dinner from contributing to weight gain. It also aids in regulating blood sugar levels, which can help mitigate appetite and energy fluctuations.

Impact on sleep

The timing of exercise can impact sleep. While moderate-intensity evening walks are generally less likely to disrupt sleep compared to more intense workouts, it’s important to be mindful of the timing. As Simran Valecha points out, “Any movement at any point of the day is good and healthy!” This means that the specific time of day is less critical than ensuring consistent physical activity.

Individual considerations

Personal preferences and lifestyle

The effectiveness of morning versus evening walks largely depends on personal preferences and Lifestyle. experts advise considering what is sustainable in the long term: “What is sustainable for them? Can they follow this routine for the next 10 years?” Consistency is crucial for weight loss and overall Health.

Body type and metabolic rate

Individual metabolic rates and responses to exercise can vary. While some studies suggest a slight advantage for morning exercisers in terms of fat oxidation, the difference is not substantial. The key is to monitor how your body responds and choose the timing that aligns with your comfort and schedule.

Circadian rhythms and sleep quality

Circadian rhythms play a role in overall exercise effectiveness. Regular exercise can help entrain circadian rhythms, enhancing sleep quality and overall well-being. According to research, exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality and facilitate adaptation to disrupted light/dark schedules (Nakao et al., 2002; Yamanaka et al., 2010). This benefit is not confined to a specific time of day but rather depends on regular physical activity.

In the debate between morning and evening walks for weight loss, there is no definitive answer that applies universally. Both times offer distinct benefits, and the best choice depends on individual preferences, Lifestyle, and specific goals. As Simran Valecha and Anju Valecha both emphasise, the most important factor is to find a routine that you can maintain consistently. Ultimately, the effectiveness of walking—whether in the morning or evening—depends on how well it fits into your daily life and contributes to a sustainable calorie deficit. Prioritising regular exercise and a balanced diet will yield the best results for weight loss, regardless of the time of day you choose to walk.

Hero Image: Courtesy Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels; Featured Image: Courtesy Abdullah Shahid/Pexels

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia India
