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Important Trick to Know When to Change Your Tires in New York




It is summertime, and besides the heat waves that we have been getting, we've been experiencing a lot of heavy, and sometimes, unexpected rain. I've mentioned plenty of times before that I DoorDash on the side. There were a few times recently where the road was so slick due to the rain, I skidded in certain areas, especially when I was turning. Luckily, none of those instances wound up causing an accident, but I think this is a good indication that I need new tires.

Conor Walsh
Conor Walsh

When Should You Change Your Tires?

The best way to know if it’s time to buy new tires for your vehicle is to have them inspected by a professional, says Bridgestone America. There are; however, ways to check them yourself. To meet legal safety standards in the U.S., a tire’s tread needs to be at least 2/32” deep. If the tires do not meet the 2/32” standard or are approaching not meeting it, you should replace your tires. When replacing tires, it’s important to select the right tire size for your vehicle.

Conor Walsh
Conor Walsh

See if Your Tires Need Replacing By Only Using a Penny

The penny test is an easy way to check the tread on your vehicle’s tires. Just place a penny with Lincoln’s head upside down between 2 ribs on your tire. If you see his entire head, it’s time for new tires. Proper tread allows your vehicle to gain traction and wick water away from the tires. If your tread is worn down, your vehicle is more likely to slide around in the rain and get stuck in the snow or mud. Your tires are also more likely to burst if you drive on weathered tread, which can lead to a crash.

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While the penny test will let you know if your tread is dangerously low, you may be better off doing this test with a quarter if you want to be more proactive about replacing your tires—especially if you live in an area that gets a lot of rain. The idea of the penny test is to check whether you’ve hit the 2/32” threshold. Here’s how it works:

Canva / Billion Photos, Canva Creative Studio
Canva / Billion Photos, Canva Creative Studio
  1. Place a penny in the tread of your tire.
  2. Turn the penny so that Lincoln’s head points down into the tread.
  3. See if the top of Lincoln’s head “disappears.” If it does, your tread is still above 2/32” and you're good to go. If you can see his entire head, it may be time to replace the tire because your tread is no longer deep enough.

Check all four tires, especially in areas that look the most worn. If any parts of your tire fail the penny test, it may be time to replace the tire.

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