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Can you hear yourself snore?




Anyone who has ever been awakened by someone else's snoring knows how loud it can be — especially when the snorer remains blissfully sound asleep.

But can people hear themselves snoring? Or do they have some sort of ability to tune out their own cacophony of snorts and gasps?

Interestingly, both are true.

"Some people wake to the sound of their own snoring," Dr. Anita Shelgikar, a clinical professor of sleep medicine and neurology at the University of Michigan, told Live Science in an email. "Other people are unaware of their snoring, regardless of the intensity or frequency of their snoring."

That's because everyone has a different arousal threshold, which is the propensity to wake up from sleep, Shelgikar said. Depending on the individual, certain noises can be more disruptive than others. 

Related: Why do we breathe so loudly when we sleep?

And whether a given person awakens to their own snores may also vary from night to night.
