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Zelda gamer left red-faced over ‘R-rated’ noise complaint from landlord - but there’s an unexpected explanation




A tenant has detailed the awkward moment he received a noise complaint from his landlord after his disgruntled neighbour mistaken the sound of his innocuous video game for “R-rated” content.

Jiayang, who lives in the US, was confused when he received an email from his landlord asking him to turn the volume down on his “adult content” to “maintain a respectful and comfortable living atmosphere for everyone” living in the building.

WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: Tenant shares his awkward noise complaint.

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He had no idea what the landlord was referring to - but it quickly dawned on him where the sound was actually coming from.

The renter had been playing the new video game The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom where characters - including fairies - respond with grunts and exclamations that many gamers have suggested have “sexual” undertones.

The Game is listed as appropriate for kids aged 10 and older.

Jiayang has detailed the awkward moment he received a noise complaint from his landlord. Credit: plumsoju/TikTok

“This is so awkward, so embarrassed, I kinda want to move,” Jiayang said in an amusing TikTok video.

“Help! My neighbour probably thinks I’m a weirdo.”

Noise complaint

Sharing a screenshot of the email he received, the subject line read: “Maintaining a considerate environment for all.”

“Hi Jiayang, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to remind you about the importance of maintaining a considerate environment for all residents in our building,” the email from the landlord read.

“Recently, I received a complaint from a neighbour regarding the audibility of adult content coming from your apartment.

“While the sound may not be excessively loud, it has still caused discomfort to the neighbour who can hear it.

“I kindly request your cooperation in ensuring that any adult content you watch or listen to remain inaudible to your neighbours.”

The email exchange between Jiayang and his landlord. Credit: plumsoju/TikTok

Jiayang was left scratching his head over the noise complaint.

“I was like, ‘Adult content?’ I know our walls are thin but I don’t think I’m doing that or at least not on speaker,” he said.

“Then it clicked... I’ve been playing Tears of Kingdom every day since it came out.

“And I’ve been trying to upgrade all my armours and every time you talk to the fairy, it sounds like... you know.

“So they think I was watching, you know... But I was just playing Zelda.

“What do I do?”

‘Accidentally wholesome’

His video has been viewed more than 2.7 million times - with many Gamers offering their advice.

“Apologise, let them know you’ve been playing the Zelda game, attach a video and let them know you’ll lower the volume going forward,” one suggested.

Another said: “Send your landlord a clip of your Zelda game.”

One said while laughing: “This is the most accidentally wholesome thing ever.”

The man had been playing the new video game called The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (stock image). Credit: NurPhoto via Getty Images

Another joked: “Put a sign on your front door that says “I’m not watching ‘you know’, I’m just playing Zelda’.”

One confessed: “How did I immediately know it was going to be the fairies.”

While another added: “I was just thinking yesterday if a kid playing this in their room or something has gotten in trouble with their parents, because it sounds so suspicious.”

Tenant responds

In a follow up video, Jiayang confirmed he responded to his landlord to explain where the suspicious sound was coming from along with an attachment of the video game illustrating the sound in question.

“Thank you for bringing the complaint to my attention. I completely understand the concern. However, I would like to clarify that the sounds are not actually adult content,” his email to the landlord read.

“They are from a video Game called The Legend of Zelda. I have also attached a video clip from the Game to illustrate this. I understand that the audio might be mistaken for adult content but they are just from the Game.

“I apologise for the inconvenience and I will be more cautious about the volume levels, even though the sound is not intentionally loud.”

Issue resolved

The landlord responded to his email, saying: “Thank you for explaining the sounds in question are from Zelda and not adult content. I have informed the neighbour who made the complaint about the situation.

“I understand the nature of gaming and the distinctive audio effects it can produce. In fact, my husband is an avid player of Zelda, so I can appreciate the enjoyment it brings.

“Please remember to be mindful of the volume levels when playing video Games to maintain a comfortable living environment for all residents.”

Despite having the issue resolved, Jiayang admitted he was still embarrassed.

“So yes, it’s resolved but still super awkward and I think I need to get some headphones,” he said.

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