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Yama Chan of Crafts on Peel Shines Light on Hong Kong Designs




Few can claim the same dedication to craft as Yama Chan, whose non-profit foundation shines a light on almost-forgotten parts of our History. Here, she shares three of Hong Kong’s most traditional crafts.

In a world increasingly dominated by digital advancements, we must not forget the profound value of objects created by the human hand. I believe it’s these creations that define our identity and hold our History. At Crafts on Peel Foundation, we dedicate our efforts to breathing new life into the traditional crafts that serve as silent narrations of Hong Kong’s past. Among these, neon light, mahjong making, and bamboo and rattan weaving stand out as emblematic symbols of our city’s unique identity and craftsmanship.

Neon Light: Illuminating the City’s Streetscape

Contemporary interpretations of neon light
Contemporary interpretations of neon light

Neon lights, once the radiant beacons that adorned shopfronts and illuminated the city’s streets, have been reimagined as stunning yet practical home decor. Through collaborations with local artisans, we’ve breathed new life into this fading art form, showcasing its versatility and captivating beauty. These modern interpretations not only preserve the craft’s legacy but also elevate it to a new level of artistic excellence.

Mahjong Making: A Tile-by-Tile Tale of Tradition

Mahjong tiles
Mahjong tiles

Mahjong, a Game deeply embedded in the social fabric of Hong Kong, offers more than just Entertainment; it’s a testament to intricate craftsmanship. The art of mahjong making, especially the traditional hand-carved tiles,
is a meticulous process that demands precision and patience. Each tile is a canvas, telling stories through its symbols and designs. By reviving this age-old craft with modern designs and innovative methods, we aim not only to preserve a beloved pastime but to celebrate the artisanal skills that bring each piece to life.

Bamboo and Rattan Weaving: Connecting the Threads of Heritage

Bamboo and rattan weaving
Bamboo and rattan weaving

Bamboo and rattan weaving are crafts that showcase the harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics. These natural materials, abundant in the region, have been skillfully transformed by artisans into everything from everyday household items to intricate art pieces. The techniques passed down through generations reflect a deep understanding of the materials and a respect for sustainability. Through workshops and collaborations at Crafts on Peel, we seek to rekindle interest in these weaving practices, highlighting their relevance and beauty in contemporary life.

The Path to Revival at Crafts on Peel

With the Crafts on Peel Foundation, we hope to create a platform where these traditional crafts can flourish. It’s a path of discovery, not only of the crafts themselves but also of the stories, values and History they embody. The revival of traditional crafts in Hong Kong is more than just a nod to nostalgia; it’s a statement of identity in a rapidly evolving city. By celebrating these art forms, we keep the essence of Hong Kong alive, ensuring that the vibrancy of our past continues to illuminate our future. 
