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Days Of The Year

World Rivers Day (September 24th, 2023)



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Almost every country around the world will have at least one river flowing through it. There are probably a number of other important waterways as well. To ensure that these important bodies of water are celebrated and appreciated as they should be, World Rivers Day aims to remind people about just how important all of the waterways around the globe are to us.

The very first World Rivers Day was celebrated in 2005 and since then it has been gaining in popularity with many events being organized around the world. In this same year, the United Nations also launched its Water for Life Decade, with the aim of increasing the awareness of the need for taking better care of the world’s waters.

World Rivers Day was launched alongside this new initiative, all thanks to a proposal that was put forward by Mark Angelo, who was already an international river advocate.

Learn about World Rivers Day

Rivers are the arteries of our planet; they are lifelines in the truest sense.

Mark Angelo

World Rivers Day is all about celebrating the waterways of the world. It is a day that highlights the importance of rivers, aiming to heighten awareness and encourage people to preserve our important and beautiful rivers.

There are a number of different things that we can all do in order to protect our rivers. This includes using earth-friendly body products and biodegradable cleaning products. After all, these chemicals all get washed down the drain, which means they end up going back into our rivers. Making a change like this can make a massive difference. Other tips include turning your tap off while you are brushing your teeth, timing your showers, and keeping a full load when you are using your dishwasher or your washing machine. Small changes like this can go a very long way.

History of World Rivers Day

You might be wondering why we need a World Rivers Day as everyone is already aware of numerous rivers around the world. That’s true; but what some people aren’t aware of is just how under threat some of them are.

There is a lot of human activity that causes pollution and damage to a number of the world’s important waterways, and this is dangerous for the people who regularly use the rivers as a source of water and transport, as well as the ecosystems that could be living in them.

The main aim of World Rivers Day is to ensure that everyone is aware of the importance of river stewardship and that we all do what we can to limit the threats that could potentially endanger our rivers.

So, you are probably wondering how this all started. Well, it began with the Water for Life Decade, which was launched by the United Nations in 2005. This was created in order to improve awareness regarding the need to make sure that we better care for our water resources. This ultimately led to World Rivers Day being created. This happened in response to a proposal that was initiated by Mark Angelo, a worldwide renowned river advocate.

How to celebrate World Rivers Day

There are so many ways we can all get involved with World Rivers Day. You might be able to find a local event, such as a litter clean or a beach litter pick. There are loads of different events that aim to get people out and about being active in helping to improve local rivers.

Some events even focus on the wildlife that lives in our rivers. One example is to take part in a fish enhancement program that some local river organizations might be running near you.

It’s also a really good excuse to celebrate your local river as well. For instance, some people decide to take to the water to go sailing, kayaking, or canoeing. No matter how you want to enjoy the rivers, there is really no better day to enjoy them than on World Rivers Day! You will be able to really appreciate what needs to go into keeping them clean and helping the local wildlife enjoy Healthy habitats.

One of the ways that you can celebrate River Day is by planning an event. It is a good idea to select an event that is going to use local resources and expertise, and which will address local issues, customs, and interest. Events on these days can range from a single event, such as a clean-up of a creek section or a paddle down a creek to a big local festival with a number of different features and events going on.

It is a good idea to look to involve different organizations and groups from the community so that you gain participation and local support. Get in touch with local Businesses, hospital foundations, the government, and local schools.

You can also contact local interest groups as well, including the likes of environmental groups, recycling societies, heritage societies, music societies, art societies, daycares, paddlers, and birders.

By getting help from a number of different groups of people, you are going to be able to diversify your event. This means that it is going to turn into a celebration of your local environment and the connections your community has with its rivers.

You can also head to the World Rivers Day website and sign-up for updates and alerts regarding the different events that are going on around the world. You never know, there may be something that is planned for your local area on this date.

No matter how you choose to spend the next World Rivers Day, we are sure that it will help you appreciate your local waterway a lot more than what you might do right now. If everyone did, imagine how clean our rivers could be!
