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Days Of The Year

International Coffee Day (October 1st)




It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity.

Dave Barry

Coffee in the morning. Coffee while catching up with old friends. Going out to a coffee bar with that new, hot date. Drinking coffee can be done morning, noon and night with friends, family members, Business associates and lovers!

All it takes is a little jaunt down the nearest high street to note the number of independent coffee shops and chain stores to realize the extent of the human love affair with this favorite caffeinated beverage: coffee.

Of course, coffee is more than just a beverage. For many people, coffee is a passion. It even has its own subculture, language and Lifestyle. And that’s why International Coffee Day is ideal for learning about and celebrating it!

How to Celebrate International Coffee Day

Of course, coffee can be great every day, but on International Coffee Day, it should be particularly special! It’s a great day for coffee lovers and coffee aficionados to make a big deal out of this beverage they love. Try out some of these ideas for celebrating the day:

Enjoy a Cup of Coffee Locally

Of course, the best way to celebrate International Coffee Day is by drinking a delicious cup of coffee! There are so many different types of coffee that most everyone can find something they will love. People can take their coffee black, with sugar, with milk, and even with flavoring syrups. For those who enjoy espresso drinks, this can be a time to choose from coffees such as lattes, americanos, cappuccinos, and much more.

One simple way to celebrate International Coffee Day is to support a local coffee roaster and a local Business owner by grabbing a Cup O’ Joe at an independently owned. They often have a fun vibe, a friendly staff and they’re often happy to take some time to teach customers a little bit more about their love of and passion for coffee.

Sign Up for a Coffee Subscription

There are lots of different types of coffee, differing in strength and richness. The origins of the coffee, as well as the way it is roasted, will have a huge impact on the flavors. The acidity of the soil, the growing process, and even the process by which the beans are dried after harvesting will make a huge difference in the flavors that come out in the cup. Who knew that such a little bean could be so complex?

People who may feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the different options and terminology when it comes to coffee beans can get a crash course by signing up for a coffee subscription. This allows for trying a new type of coffee (usually one per month) to get an idea of the different varieties and what is preferred.

Try Coffee Prepared a Different Way

Why not use today to try a specialty coffee from another country, such as Turkish coffee, prepared in an Ibrik? Or strong Vietnamese coffee that is prepared as a dessert using sweetened condensed milk? Or perhaps, later in the day, think about having it “Irish”, which simply means with a bit of alcohol tossed in. A lot of countries have their own special way of preparing this drink, so it is always fun to try something new.

Buy a New Coffee Brewer for Home

The quality of the beans used will change the way the coffee tastes, but so will the brewing process. Sure, it might not be as quick or automatic, but it can certainly be a lot of fun to explore–and tastier too.

Try out a French Press, Moka Pot, Chemex, Pour Over, or an AeroPress. And while getting that equipment, don’t forget to level up with a grinder for the best taste using freshly ground beans.

Buy Ethically Sourced Coffee

Today, coffee is one of the world’s biggest farm crops, so buying ethically grown coffee is all the more important – be sure to be selective in buying that cup of coffee and supporting ethical trade.

Most high end and third wave coffee shops will serve coffee and sell beans that have been ethically sourced. Sometimes proprietors of local coffee roasters that supply to local shops will even have a personal relationship with the farmer who grew the beans.

Where it gets a bit trickier is when buying coffee beans at the grocery store, so be sure to read labels very carefully. It is likely that buying ethically sourced coffee will increase the price tag a bit but since it’s someone’s livelihood, it’s definitely worth paying a few pennies more per cup.

Rent a Coffee Cart for International Coffee Day

This would be a fun day to plan an event at work or for a charity in honor of International Coffee Day. Offer some support for the industry by renting a coffee van for the occasion and having it pull up outside of the workplace. Coffee van rental has become a really sought after service for those looking to run events, conferences, parties or such like. The reasoning is sound: people absolutely love coffee in this modern society. It has gone from being a delicacy or specialty to an everyday substance, and millions of cups are consumed worldwide each and every hour.

But is popularity the only benefit? Not at all. For those who are running a corporate event, coffee can act as a brilliant icebreaker. It allows people who may not normally approach one another to start up a conversation and get networking while waiting for their coffee to be served.

For those who are running a booth or stand at an exhibition, an espresso coffee van or cart will attract a high number of possible clients by its smell alone. Your team can introduce themselves, converse or even pitch ideas to potential investors interested in your product or service over freshly brewed beverages. Some coffee providers can even accommodate custom branding, so that the cart, van, stall, espresso cups, napkins and even cupcakes are emblazoned with your company’s logo or message.

As you can see, the uses of coffee and the benefits extend a lot further than people realize, and International Coffee Day presents you with the perfect opportunity to make the most of this.

Need some inspiration?

Check out these videos for some extra inspiration in getting involved!

Learn About International Coffee Day

Whether a person favors straight espresso, americanos, lattes or cappuccinos; iced, decaf, instant or filter – Coffee Day is the day to savor and appreciate everything to do with this delightful little beverage. And perhaps it will even be possible to pick one up for free at certain coffee shop chains, particularly in the US.

While not every human on earth agrees, a majority of people all over the world seem to think coffee tastes amazing. Plus, many people are also aware of the fact that it can give us a much-needed energy boost. After all, this is why people tend to have a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, isn’t it?

However, what some people may not know is that the benefits of coffee extend a lot further than just a boost of caffeinated goodness.

Coffee can help to burn fat because it has been shown to increase the metabolic rate by as much as 11 percent. Not only that, but it is also a virtually calorie free drink, at least when it is consumed black, without milk or sugar.

Coffee also contains a number of essential nutrients, including niacin, magnesium (vitamin B3), potassium, manganese, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), and riboflavin (vitamin B2). And if that is not enough, coffee is thought to be the greatest antioxidant source in the Western diet.

Coffee has also been shown to enhance physical performance drastically. Coffee may also help people to live longer, according to a number of different studies. Also, according to something that has been noted in a study that was published by Harvard University, coffee may also be useful in helping to fight depression as well as making people feel just generally happier.

History of International Coffee Day

International Coffee Day is the ideal time to take a look at the long History of this drink. Whether it’s called Joe, Java, Dirt, Brew, Cuppa or Daily Grind, coffee comes with a delightful and beloved History.

The properties of coffee beans are thought to have first been discovered in Ethiopia. The beans are actually the pits found in the coffee berry or cherry. The story goes that a 9th century goat herder noticed their stimulating effects on his goats and began experimenting.

Coffee drinking originally became popular in the Arab world, probably from around the 15th century, and then spreading across Asia then to Italy and across Europe and to the Americas – and finally to the coffee cup you’re holding in your hand right now!

It wasn’t until about 50 years ago, though, that third wave coffee shops started appearing in the scene. Going beyond the basic diner coffee brewed in large quantities, these unique coffee houses focused on serving high quality coffee–from the beans to the roasting to the individual brewing process. And that’s really where the coffee culture has developed into something rather unique.

The roots of International Coffee Day may go as far back as 1983 when an event was held in Japan by The All Japan Coffee Association. The International Coffee Organization in China seems to have celebrated their own version of coffee day as early as 1997, and it became an annual celebration in April 2001.

In the United States, this day, sometimes called “National Coffee Day” or simply “Coffee Day”, has created buzz here and there since 2005. But the first use of the term International Coffee Day seems to have been in an advertisement in 2009 to announce the New Orleans Coffee Festival. Taiwan’s first celebration seems to have come along in this same year.

International Coffee Day was acknowledged as a celebration in 2015 by the International Coffee Organization. It was launched in Milan, Italy to help raise awareness for the plight of coffee farmers and to promote fair trade and living wages.

Since there’s not a specific governing body, some countries seem to celebrate International Coffee Day on some different days. September 29 and October 1 are the most common, but others may also range from April to August. The good news is that coffee is celebrated around the world, throughout many months of the year!

So when you drink your cup of coffee today, inhale its aroma, taste its dark and full-bodied flavor, and think about its story – but most of all enjoy.

International Coffee Day Timeline

850 AD

Homer makes reference to coffee 

This renowned Greek author refers to a beverage that is black and bitter and keeps people from falling asleep.[1]

1200 AD

Coffee reaches Turkey and roasting begins

Previous to this time, coffee beans were used “green”, but in Turkey they begin to be roasted prior to brewing–which changes everything![2]

17th Century

Coffee makes its way to western Europe 

As coffee moves west, some people are not big fans–like the local clergy of Venice who condemned it when it arrived there in 1615.[3]


Espresso machine is first built

Created by Luigi Bezzera, this large machine makes its debut in Milan, Italy, but the coffee didn’t exactly taste great–yet.[4]


First Starbucks opens 

Located in Seattle, Washington, USA, in the historic Pike’s Place Market. It will eventually become the largest coffee chain in the world, by far.[5]

International Coffee Day FAQs

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

A plain 8 ounce cup of brewed coffee contains 80-100mg of caffeine, but for large cups and espresso drinks, it’s more.[1]

How to make iced coffee?

Brew coffee, add sweetener and allow it to cool. Then pour it over ice and add milk to taste.[2]

Why is coffee called “joe”?

Many people think it’s because coffee is a drink for the common man–and Joe is a common name.[3]

Is coffee good for you?

For the most part, 2-5 cups of coffee has been shown to be more Healthful than harmful when added to a Healthy diet, and can even reduce risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression and more.[4]

Can coffee dehydrate you?

Although caffeinated drinks may have a tendency to make a person go the the bathroom more often, they don’t seem to cause dehydration–but they may cause headache or insomnia.[5]
