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Days Of The Year

World Food Day (October 16th)




Food brings people together in a huge variety of ways, from family gatherings to first dates. Everyone has a favorite food, with varieties ranging from pizza to pasta, cookies to cakes, and all of the good stuff in between! So many amazing dishes and ingredients are available to indulge in today, and World Food Day celebrates them all.

Learn About World Food Day

World Food Day is not only about celebrating the amazing food that people have the privilege of indulging in, but it is about raising awareness for people who do not have such privilege. People all over the world who suffer from hunger. Starvation is a massive problem in a number of countries, and we need to do more to raise awareness and combat this problem.

World Food Day can also be leveraged to raise awareness about Healthy diets and what bodies need. In recent times, Education has grown about Healthy diets and which foods are Healthy or unHealthy, but we are not there yet! World Food Day offers a great opportunity to further Education and awareness in this area.

History of World Food Day

World Food Day was established in 1945 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a specialized agency of the United Nations. But it would be another 34 years before it was recognized as a world holiday at the 20th FAO conference in November 1979. Following this, 150 countries proceeded to celebrate the day once it gained its official recognition by the United Nations. Since 2014, the popularity of the day has been used to promote the idea of feeding the world and eliminating poverty in rural nations.

The main principle World Food Day celebrates is the furtherance of food security all over the globe, especially in times of crisis. The launch of the Food and Agriculture Organization by the UN has played a huge role in taking this worthy goal forward. Its annual celebration serves as a marker of the importance of this organization and helps to raise awareness of the crucial need for successful agriculture policies to be implemented by governments across the world to ensure there is ample food available for everyone.

In recent years, World Food Day has used its annual day of celebration to focus on different aspects of food security and agriculture, including fishing communities, climate change and biodiversity.

A number of different themes have been attributed to World Food Day over the years. Some past themes have included: Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too; Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty and Feeding the world, caring for the earth.

Many different organizations around the world now celebrate this day, including the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Programme. Many Businesses also take part.

World Food Day is a reminder that coming together with friends and family around a well-set table is a privilege that not everyone can enjoy, but is one that everyone should experience.

How to Celebrate World Food Day

A number of opportunities exist to get involved with World Food Day! Celebrate the day with some of these ideas:

Make a Donation to a Food Bank or Charity

One of the best ways to celebrate World Food Day is by giving food to people who need it the most. If you do a quick search online, you should be able to find the nearest food bank to you. Most food banks are happy to accept food or money. The sort of food that is in a typical food parcel includes cookies, canned fruit, tea, coffee, canned vegetables, canned meat, beans, pasta sauce, rice, pasta, soup, and cereal.

World Food Day is also a great time to donate to a charity. You could also opt to do some fundraising as well. There are many different ways you can go about this, from fundraising events to sponsored activities. If you are able to raise awareness and some money in the process, it’s a great thing!

Visit a Farm or Food Producer

World Food Day might be a great time to understand where food comes from by visiting a local farm or dairy, or even visiting an open kitchen restaurant to see the time and effort that goes into creating such delicious food.

Attend a World Food Day Event

A number of different events take place on World Food Day, so it is worth looking into these to see if there is anything going on in your local area. This includes everything from concerts and contests to cultural performances, exhibitions, hunger marches, and marathons. And if there isn’t anything going on in the local area, why not be the person to host the event?

Learn More About Countries Around the World

Countries all around the world need help because they are battling starvation,such as Kenya. In countries like Kenya, the price of basic foods has skyrocketed, which has resulted in a large number of children going hungry. A lot of different charities work hard to change the lives of families and children who need it the most, ensuring they have the food they need to survive.

It is worth spending some time researching the different ways that countries all around the world honor World Food Day. More than 150 countries participate in this day, and there are conferences and different events that happen all around the world.

For example, in the United States, the Iowa Hunger Summit has been held on World Food Day, or near to the date, since 2007. In Cuba, the media strongly supports awareness on various campaigns relating to World Food Day, and an agricultural fair is held so that producers can exchange their experiences and views.

In Mongolia, they have made it tradition to organize the Food Security conference on World Food Day. This event is about promoting research to develop regulations and policies, as well as valuing the contributions of researchers and scholars to the country’s food security. In Cyprus, special ceremonies are organized in secondary and primary schools where teachers teach their students about World Food Day. In Italy, many exhibitions and conferences are held by NGOs, international agencies, research agencies, universities, and ministries.

A lot of countries also use this day to support the people in their society who need it the most. For example, in the Philippines, a lot of the work is focused on increasing food gifts to poor urban families. The same has occurred in Pakistan whereby they provide food packages to the poor on this date.
