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Why does heat cause headaches?




It's a balmy summer day at the beach — you're lying in the sun, enjoying the water and hanging out with friends. But all of a sudden, you start to feel a familiar twinge behind your temples, and you wonder: why do you always get headaches when it's hot out?

Some research does suggest that people's rates of headaches spike when temperatures go up. However, experts like Dr. Nolan Pearson, a neurology fellow who specializes in headache at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said it's important to look beyond heat to find the reason for summertime headaches.

"Weather is very commonly in the top four or five triggers that people do report," Pearson told Live Science. "But, I would speculate that it might be actually due to things that go along with hot weather" rather than the heat itself.

That's because most research on heat and headaches only shows a correlation between the two. For example, a study might look at hospital admission rates for headaches during different months of the year and find headaches are more common in summer. But that doesn't prove that heat directly caused those headaches. There could be other environmental and Lifestyle changes that happen during the summer — like air quality, light exposure or activity levels — that cause different types of headaches, too.

Pearson recommends that each person with headaches hone in on these possible triggers, since these have more research behind them and may be easier to accommodate for than the heat itself.

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Hot-weather headache triggers

Poor air quality is a well-known headache trigger, and one common effect of heat waves is that they tend to make air quality worse. Heat can cause various chemical elements in the air to transform into ozone, a colorless gas tied to a variety of Health effects, and other harmful substances. In addition, wind and air pressure systems driven by hot weather can make pollutants from coal plants or cars linger over cities, rather than float away.
