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1,700-year-old 'barbarian' burial discovered along Roman Empire's frontier in Germany




Archaeologists in Germany have discovered the 1,700-year-old burial of a "barbarian" who lived on the edge of the Roman Empire and was given valuable grave goods, including glassware, pottery and a fine-tooth comb.

The grave, which is thought to date to the first half of the fourth century, holds the remains of a man who died at around age 60. It was found in May during excavations ahead of the construction of new homes in the center of the village of Gerstetten, about 40 miles (64 kilometers) east of the city of Stuttgart in southwest Germany, according to a translated statement from the Stuttgart Regional Council.

The grave was elaborately built and enclosed by a wooden chamber, and it was situated in a solitary but prominent location, the statement said.

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Among the grave goods, one glass beaker was of particularly high quality and may have been obtained from the nearby Roman fort at Guntia, now Günzburg, while distinctive features of the other burial objects suggested they were from further north, in the Elbe-Saale region of what’s now central Germany.

Two cracked ceramic pots with some pieces missing

The grave goods included vessels made from pottery and glass. One high-quality glass beaker may have been obtained from a nearby Roman fort. (Image credit: Yvonne Mühleis/State Office for the Preservation of Monuments, Stuttgart Regional Council)

Barbarian Germania

The northern limit of the Roman Empire in this region — known as the "Upper Germanic Limes" — ran just to the north of Gerstetten; beyond it were the lands known as "Magna Germania" or Greater Germania, where the Germanic tribes lived.

The Roman Limes was heavily guarded by legionaries stationed at forts along the frontier, such as the fort at Guntia, but Germanic ways of life — and Germanic burials — were practiced outside the forts.
