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Who Is Rising Artificial Intelligence CEO Dr. Benjamin Harvey: 5 Things To Know About AI Squared




Dr. Benjamin Harvey, the founder and CEO of AI Squared, is making major moves in the artificial intelligence (AI) space. With a diverse background and a passion for integrating AI into practical applications, Harvey has transformed his vision into a thriving company.

Here are five things to know about AI Squared.

1. Educational And Professional Background Of Dr. Benjamin Harvey

Dr. Harvey holds a BS from Mississippi Valley State University and an MS and a Ph.D. from Bowie State University. Before founding AI Squared, he worked at the National Security Agency (NSA) as the chief of operations data Science, overseeing a team of 40 data scientists. This role highlighted the gap between AI model development and their integration into practical applications, inspiring him to create AI Squared.

“I previously worked for 10 years at the National Security Agency, where I oversaw a team of about 40 data scientists. But, about 90 percent of what they built never made it into a mission application. We had all these models sitting on shelves, but not because they didn’t work. Our users weren’t using these machine learning products because there was no seamless way to integrate their insights into the two to three apps that they used on a daily basis,” Harvey told Deep Learning.

He added, “Many organizations face the same thing, where the challenge with using machine learning isn’t with the models themselves, but with the last mile of adoption. Our platform directly addresses this gap.”

2. AI Squared’s Mission And Technology

AI Squared aims to simplify the integration of AI models into existing business applications. The company’s platform acts like a browser extension, enabling seamless embedding of AI-generated insights into tools that businesses use daily. This approach addresses the “last mile” problem of AI adoption, where the challenge lies not in developing models but in deploying them effectively. AI Squared’s technology helps industries like finance, manufacturing, and healthcare to incorporate AI insights into their workflows, significantly reducing integration time and costs.

3. Who Inspired Harvey?

Harvey’s inspiration to launch AI Squared came from his observations at the NSA, where many AI models never reached practical use due to integration challenges. His mentor, Matei Zaharia, chief technologist at Databricks and creator of Apache Spark and MLFlow, has also played a crucial role in shaping his approach to AI.

4. The Risk Harvey Took

Harvey’s journey into Technology began early, iNFLuenced by his father, who was both a pastor and an AT&T project manager. Growing up in Jacksonville, FL, in a household of seven children, Harvey learned to fix broken computers his father brought home, sparking his interest in Technology. His entrepreneurial spirit is evident in the significant risks he took to fund AI Squared. With his wife’s support, he withdrew their entire retirement saving, $500,000, and maxed out his credit card at $20,000 to launch the company. This bold move has paid off, with AI Squared raising $6 million in a seed round in 2022 and $13.8 million in a Series A round in 2024, AfroTech reported.

From 2017 to December 2023, he was research professor and director of Designing Trustworthy AI Systems Program, George Washington University–School of Engineering & Applied Science.

5. Future Prospects And Impact

AI Squared’s recent $13.8 million Series A funding round, led by Ansa Capital with participation from NEA and Ridgeline, will be used to advance the platform and expand the team, AfroTech reported. The company’s leadership team includes notable figures such as Alvin McClerkin (COO), Jacob Renn, Ph.D. (chief technologist), Michelle Bonat (CTO), and Jimmy Oyeniyi (chief revenue officer). With these advancements, AI Squared is poised to enhance AI integration across various sectors, driving greater return on investment for companies and making AI more accessible and impactful.

“We are committed to achieving our vision of fostering widespread AI adoption by embedding AI-generated insights directly into mission-critical Business applications and everyday workflows.,” the company’s website states.

Benjamin Harvey, photo via George Washington University website,
