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The Indigenous Theatre Symposium | HowlRound Theatre Commons




The Indigenous Theatre Symposium will characteristic keynote remarks from Santee Smith (Kahnyen’kehàka Nation, Turtle Clan), inventive director of Kaha:wi Dance Theatre; an Indigenous Playwrights Panel Dialog with creatives akin to DeLanna Studi (Cherokee) who Geva audiences acquired to know by way of her play And So We Walked final season and who will probably be Geva Theatre’s 2024/26 artist in residence; a movie screening of Unseen Tears; in addition to a particular panel composed of younger Native playwrights introduced in collaboration with Native Voices. 

The Indigenous Theatre Symposium mission is supported partially by the Nationwide Endowment for the Arts. 

Geva Theatrein affiliation with Pals of Ganondagan and NTIDand in affiliation with Native VoicesPresentsEMBRACING THE INDIAN,Centering Indigenous VoicesThe Indigenous Theatre Symposium is introduced by Geva Theatre in affiliation with Pals of Ganondagan and NTID and in affiliation with Native Voices as part of their occasion EMBRACING THE INDIAN, Centering Indigenous Voices.

For extra info contact Rachel DeGuzman.

