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The chubby newborn baby weighed an enormous amount, equal to two normal babies combined, making the parents and doctors extremely surprised and happy.




A first-time mother, Amber Cumberland, 21, from Aston, Oxfordshire, gave birth to her daughter Emilia on April 16th, weighing a remarkable 12 pounds and 14 ounces. Emilia’s size during pregnancy was so substantial that doctors even speculated the possibility of a hidden twin, but she turned out to be one of the largest baby girls ever born in the UK, second only to a 2012 record-breaker at 14 pounds and 4 ounces.


Amber was induced nearly two weeks overdue and endured 24 hours of labor before baby Emilia was born via an emergency C-section.


Amber explained how her pregnancy had transformed her body: “Before the pregnancy, I was 12.5 stone and a size 14, but by the end of the pregnancy, I couldn’t fit into anything smaller than a size 20, and I weighed around 17 stone. Since giving birth, I’m back to a size 16 and weighing just under 15 stone.”


During the pregnancy, doctors repeatedly suspected twins due to the size of her bump, although ultrasound scans showed only one baby. Amber and her partner, Scott Joy, 22, were constantly amused by comments about the size of her belly from strangers.


Emilia’s growth was remarkable, measuring the size of an average 36-week baby by the time of her 32-week scan, estimated at 8 pounds and 12 ounces during an extra growth scan at 36 weeks.

Amber faced numerous complications due to her giant pregnancy bump, prompting her eagerness to be induced and welcome her baby. She tried various home remedies to induce labor, including consuming pineapple, using essential oils and bath salts, and even acupressure, but nothing worked.


The strain on her body resulted in stretch marks and weakened skin, leading to bleeding when she moved too quickly. Her stomach muscles had completely split, making the C-section procedure challenging.

Now, slightly over a week postpartum, Amber is on the path to recovery. She still faces a prolonged healing process due to the strain her body endured during the pregnancy and delivery. She is awaiting physiotherapy to help heal her split stomach muscles.


Despite the challenges, Amber and Scott are overjoyed with their beautiful daughter, Emilia. Amber expressed her gratitude that she no longer has the discomfort of being heavily pregnant and is looking forward to her continued recovery.
