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son.Lionel Messi’s family made a special appearance to cheer for his son Thiago at the match in Naples, Florida, causing fans to approach him for autographs.




As of my last update in January 2022, I don’t have specific information about Lionel Messi’s family making a special appearance to cheer for his son Thiago at a match in Naples, Florida. However, Lionel Messi, being one of the most famous Footballers in the world, often draws attention from fans wherever he goes, especially when accompanied by his family.

If such an event occurred, it wouldn’t be surprising for fans to approach Lionel Messi for autographs, particularly if his family was present. Messi’s family, including his wife and children, are often seen supporting him at matches and events, adding to the excitement for fans.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information about Lionel Messi and his family’s activities, it’s best to follow their official social media accounts or reputable news sources covering sports and entertainment events.
