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Days Of The Year

National Singles Day (September 23rd, 2023)



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With a background where many cultures considered singleness a problem – or even sometimes a curse – especially among women, the idea of being single has carried a lot of baggage. But, in today’s modern world, the names such as “old maid” or “spinster” are being redeemed by women and men who are perfectly happy and fulfilled on their own, embracing the myriad of benefits that come with single life. 

Gone are the days when it is assumed that a person is single simply because they couldn’t find a mate. The stigma of thinking something is “wrong” with an unmarried person has gone by the wayside, to be replaced by strong and capable people who simply have chosen to be content and single, at least for this season of their lives if not permanently.

National Singles Day is here to show appreciation for and celebrate an amazing selection of people who are unmarried or unattached for whatever reason they choose!

History of National Singles Day

Around four decades ago a group of folks decided to honor and celebrate their own singleness. With a plethora of days celebrating love and marriage, such as Valentine’s Day, National Lover’s Day and World Marriage Day, just to name a few, this group thought it was high time to establish a week that would pay heed to their status as single people. In 1984, The Buckeye Singles Council of Ohio founded National Singles Week in an attempt to recognize the benefits and freedoms that come with living a single life.  

Later, in 2014, National Singles Day was started on January 11 by founder Karen Reed, as it represented singleness in its numerical presentation of 1/11. But, eventually, in 2017, the founders of National Singles Day agreed that it would make sense to join forces with National Singles Week, which is celebrated during the third full week of September each year. And now, National Singles Day caps off the end of the week with its celebrations on Saturday!

National Singles Day Timeline


Queen Elizabeth I of England takes the throne

Elizabeth is regularly harassed about finding a husband but she insists on remaining single to retain her power during her 45 year reign. [1]


Congress passes right to vote for women

Where previously single women were voiceless (because they didn’t have a husband to represent them), they finally gain the right to vote in the US with the 19th amendment. [2]


First National Singles Week is celebrated

The Buckeye Singles Council of Ohio initiates the celebration of National Singles Week.


Singles Day is observed in China

Some university students in Nanjing notice that November 11 or 11/11 is a perfect time to celebrate people who are on their own, founding their own Singles Day.


Movie “Singles” is released

Starring Kyra Sedgwick, Matt Dillon and Bridget Fonda, this Cameron Crowe movie features a group of single twenty-somethings who are looking for love and success.[3]

How to Celebrate National Singles Day

Sometimes referred to as part of Unmarried and Single Americans Week, National Singles Day gives everyone a chance to show appreciation for and celebrate the freedom and perks that come with being single! Check out some of these ideas for observing the day:

Learn Some Benefits of Being Single

Studies have shown that single people tend to be fitter and physically Healthier than folks who are in a relationship, and this is just one of the benefits of being single. One way to celebrate everything that goes along with National Singles Day might be to consider some of these facts that are honoring to the benefits of being single: 

  • Single people may have closer relationships. In fact, single people tend to help out more with aging parents and other family members in need. Plus, those who are unmarried often have stronger relationships with friends, and their friendships tend to last much longer.  

  • Single people may sleep better at night. Some studies have shown that sleeping with a partner may cause a person to sleep less soundly than when a person sleeps on their own.

  • Single people may have less credit card debt. According to one study, married people and people with children are more likely to have unsecured debt.

  • The Lifestyle of single people may be more environmentally sustainable. Single dwellers of all ages are more likely to be civic minded and can focus on living more sustainably. 

Enjoy Dinner with Friends

Looking at National Singles Day as a counter to all of those holidays about coupling off, this would be a great time to establish a rhythm of celebrating girls’ night or guys’ night that is dedicated simply to enjoying and appreciating all things related to being single. Have dinner together, meet up for drinks, or just have a coffee date with a single friend. Whatever the method, this day is perfect for spending time together and enjoying the benefit of not having to check with a spouse before making plans!

Review Some Statistics About Singleness

One amazing thing that unmarried and single people need to remember is that they are absolutely not alone! In honor of National Singles Day, check out some of these important statistics surrounding the concept of being single and perhaps share some of them with friends to raise awareness for the day:

  • As of 2023, there were more than 127 million unmarried adults aged 18 and older living in the United States. Of this number, 53% are women and 47% are men.
  • Of those single people mentioned above, more than 56% of them say that they are not necessarily looking to date or find a partner. This is higher than just a few years prior, especially among men.
  • In most US states, single women are more likely to own a home than are single men.
  • Some experts have projected that 25% of people from the “millennial” generation will never marry.

Plan a Solo Adventure

In celebration of National Singles Day, perhaps it’s time to plan something that has been on that bucket list for a while. Whether it’s something small like visiting the art museum or enjoying a solo hike, or something bigger like backpacking through Europe or visiting the kangaroos Down Under, perhaps this day might offer some motivation and empowerment to get started. For those who may be Travel novices and don’t feel quite like Traveling completely alone, it’s always possible to invite an experienced Travel buddy along or join a tour where some companions can be met along the way. Take that trip of your dreams, just for you!

Volunteer in the Community

Being single absolutely does not need to mean being alone. Celebrate the joys of being unattached by doing a little bit of good in the world. Volunteer at a local charity, read to some senior citizens at the nursing home, or join a community outreach program to plant trees or an urban garden. The options for getting involved with projects that benefit the community and the world are almost endless! 

National Singles Day FAQs

Are singles cruises still a thing?

Yes, some cruise lines still offer cruises targeted at singles and solo Travelers of any age.[1]

Are singles happier?

While societal stigmas have said that married people are happier, recent studies have shown that single people tend to report higher levels of life satisfaction. [2]

What percentage of the population is single?

Studies show that nearly 50% of American adults are now single. [3]

Can singles adopt?

Sure! Thousands of single Americans become adoptive parents each year. [4]

Do single people live longer?

For some time studies showed that married people (especially men) lived longer, but more recent research shows that single men are living longer than ever before. [5]
