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Kevin Durant’s Reaction To Suns Trading Him To Rockets




Kevin Durant is a future Hall of Famer and one of the greatest players to ever play in the NBA.

That said, it isn’t a stretch to say that he has struggled to find a permanent home throughout his career.

When the Brooklyn Nets ultimately traded Durant to Phoenix two years ago, many thought that this might be it. This might finally be the place where he sticks around for a while.

This week that theory was put to the test.

According to NBA insider Brian Windhorst, the Houston Rockets are positioning themselves to acquire Durant this summer. Their best possible offer for him is a matter of public record.

It all started with Houston making this move:

Why is it a big deal?

“That’s what they’re setting up for (to acquire Durant),” Windhorst said on ESPN radio.

“Giving up the access to the Nets draft was done with the purpose of making a deal now… They made this trade specifically to attempt to make a deal with the Suns. They did it to make a deal with the Suns now.”

Windhorst isn’t the only one saying this. Wojnarowski agrees with him.

“The implications of the Rockets landing the Suns’ picks?” he wrote.

“Houston wants to trade for Kevin Durant and that becomes far easier if they can return the Suns’ picks that they gave up in the Durant deal to the Nets. Suns have said they’re keeping Durant for now, but that could change next season. But now, Houston has the picks to make the Suns whole again.”

For obvious reasons, many began to wonder about how Durant felt regarding the Suns trading him to the Rockets. Windhorst addressed that, too.

“To my knowledge, Kevin Durant has not asked for a trade,” Windhorst noted. “However, there are definite connections between Kevin Durant and the Houston Rockets.”

Durant averaged 27.1 points per Game on 52.3 percent shooting from the field and 41.3 percent shooting from beyond the arc. He also chipped in 6.6 rebounds and 5.0 assists per Game over the course of 75 outings.

It isn’t hard to see why the Rockets want him. Will they get him, though? Time will tell.
