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In the Arena – Dr. Michael Koster – COVID issues today




Each week Joe Paolino, Jr. features leaders in the state to discuss issues of importance to Rhode Islanders. This week Paolino talks with Dr. Michael Koster of Hasbro Children’s Hospital.

Koster talks about the COVID uptick and the protection provided by vaccines. There are also variants of the flu strain – A & B. This year there is a variant of flu A happening one we haven’t seen in awhile. COVID has many different variants. XBB1.5 is the newest variant. The concern is how it has replaced the other variants and if our current vaccines are effective against it.

Over 8 million Chinese citizens over 65 are not vaccinated which is why the virus is hitting so many people – this uptick will see our problem with products and supply chain increase.

They also talk about when to mask-up right now – when Traveling, etc.

Be sure to listen to In the Arena on ABC6 every Sunday at 7am.
