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Days Of The Year

Dear Diary Day (September 22nd)



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Before blogs, there were diaries! A pastime of those who are naturally introspective since the 10th century, diary-writing brings with it a variety of benefits–to the person who writes as well as to the reader. Dear Diary Day is one that encourages people of all ages to put their thoughts on paper and enjoy the beauty and History that results!

It’s time to celebrate Dear Diary Day!

History of Dear Diary Day

They were believed to have begun by ladies in the royal Japanese court somewhere around the 10th century AD and, at the time, were called “pillow books”, because the women would place them under their pillows for safekeeping and at least a little bit of privacy. 

Diaries got their current English name from the word “day” which, in Latin, is “dies”. These can range from something like keeping a record of happenings and events of the day to sharing thoughts and feelings about life events, whether important or trivial. Over the years, these preserved records have given historians important insights into what life and culture was like for previous generations of people.

The origins of Dear Diary Day may be uncertain, but the thought of celebrating an ear that listens without interruption or judgment at any hour of the day or night seems only fitting. A diary is willing to pay equal attention to the events of every life, whether it is that of someone already famous or a person who expresses their dream to be. It deals with broken hearts, unacceptable parenting, failed diets and future hopes without argument or advice, yet somehow provides solace and satisfaction.

Dear Diary Day hopes to encourage more people to take up a pen and commit the events of their day to paper. Secrets are far safer here than at the fingertips of someone with an axe to grind and access to the internet. This alone contributes significantly to the known psychological benefits of keeping a diary. In the process, proper spelling may also experience a resurgence.

How to celebrate Dear Diary Day 

Joining in on Dear Diary Day can be loads of fun! Whether putting down personal thoughts, sharing them with others, or reading historical records created from dairies, getting involved in this day can be a great (and, perhaps, therapeutic) thing of beauty and joy. Try these ideas for celebrating the day:

Start a New Diary

Make a special trip to the office supply store, book store, stationery store or a gift shop to purchase a beautiful new blank book for Dear Diary Day. Whether lined or unlined, leather bound or covered in fabric, a new journal is a lovely way to get the love of keeping a diary started–or rekindled again.

Once the diary is purchased, it is time to put pen to paper and write. Some people prefer to write every day, others once a week, and still others in a more sporadic time as the mood strikes. The most important thing is to simply put those thoughts and feelings down.

Read Diary Entries with a Book Club

Learning about people who lived in the past can be a fascinating adventure! Those who have a book club might want to interrupt their normally scheduled book reading and add a little spice by celebrating Dear Diary Day. Assign each participant an author or diarist from whom they can select a passage to read out loud for the group, and then discuss. It may be fascinating and enlightening not only about the original author, but also about the person who chose the passage!

Check Out the Local Library

Some city or county library staff members enjoy creating displays related to various holidays, and Dear Diary Day is certainly a good one for exploring. Pop in to see if the local librarian has book recommendations for reading the diaries of historical or famous figured that have helped shape the way people view the world today.
