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‘Con artist’ cat wanted for fraud; begs for food under false pretenses




He oughta be whiskered off to jail.

A con artist cat, Dynamo, has been busted for four-legged fraud after being observed begging for food from strangers under false pretenses.

Despite being fed three times daily, the ginger grifter strolls around his neighborhood pretending he’s starving — in order to snag free refreshments from unwitting observers.

Dynamo’s harried human, hailing from Nottinghamshire, England, posted flyers around the community pleading with people not to be taken in by the feline fraudster.

“Please do not feed Dynamo,” the flyer read. “[He] is a furry con artist who will pretend he is starving when he lives a life of unfettered indulgence.”

The owner detailed the fine dining options the crooked cat receives daily.

“We are talking artisan gourmet steamed meals three times per day plus various treats like poached salmon.”

Although the owner appreciates the kind gestures of her neighbors, she fears her cat could become a “lard arse” from overeating.

The cat mom advises people not to feel intimidated by the greedy pussycat.

“Don’t worry if he stares at you dismissively like a disappointed parent, that’s just his thing,” she jokes. “He is friendly but wary.”

Dynamo’s flyer has gone viral on social media with over 134,000 likes, after an onlooker posted a photo of the notice.

“Sounds like my cat,” one owner sympathized.

“I need to do a poster like this for my cat…he goes to about 5 other houses that I know of so far,” said another.

“Hope you find the little fatty,” quipped one.
