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A conversation about cats – with “the cat whisperer”, Dr. Rachel Geller




Have you witnessed your cat exhibit behavioral or emotional problems? An upcoming guest lecturer will provide you with the tools for creating a harmonious relationship between you and your cat.

Dr. Rachel Geller, aka, “the cat whisperer” is a certified cat behaviorist and renowned author of the book, “Saving the World, One Cat at a Time”. She will be at Rhode Island College on August 16th from 7 to 9:30pm.

The event is sponsored by Pawswatch, 39 Putnam Pike in Johnston, RI, 285-9800.

Tickets are $20, at:

Rachel is currently addressing cat behavior in cat/animal shelters all over the world, including working with adopters, training shelter volunteers and instituting surrender prevention programs. She also provides individual cat behavior help to cat parents. She is dedicated to promoting the adoption of cats and preventing their surrender and abandonment by helping cat/animal shelters – and cat owners who cannot otherwise afford to do so – access cat behavior counseling free of charge for the cats in their care.

If you are a professional, volunteer or a cat parent and have witnessed cats exhibit behavioral/emotional problems through work in a cat rescue or by adoption, take advantage of this invaluable opportunity. Let’s strive to keep shelter space for homeless cats, and stop cats from being abandoned due to behavioral issues that can be solved completely free of charge.

Let’s have a conversation about cats!
