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6 reasons to choose Electric Vehicles for your Business




With the growing need for mobility in manufacturing industry and the cost-effective fleet industry, the demand for affordable transportation is increasing. Here, Electric Vehicles are an option, but with this industry being new, for organizations to adopt it in their operation is of significant risk and requires training. Regardless of this, as the EV industry is growing exponentially, we cannot neglect its existence while considering options for our business. Here, we will review six reasons why organizations should consider Electric vehicles for their business.

1.Reduces Costs 

    1. Purchase Cost- The electric vehicle industry is in its nascent stage and currently the initial purchase cost is more expensive than its petrol and diesel equivalents. However, with evolving technology, this cost shall also decrease in the coming days. Also, with government incentives and subsidies, the purchase cost of EVs turns out to be affordable. If you consider the long-term cost of operation, owning an EV is much cheaper than its ICE counterpart.
    2. Operation Cost – With fever parts, EVs require less maintenance, which reduces maintenance costs compared to ICE vehicles. 
    3. Running Cost – With increasing petrol prices, the running costs of EVs are far cheaper. 

2.Increases Productivity 

Fleets can access data like charging percentage, frequency, location, etc. It ensures check and balance, hence increasing the productivity of drivers. Statiq, with access to EV chargers, provides CSMS service to its corporate customers. 

3.Environment Benefits 

Electric vehicles release zero tailpipe emissions and 15-40% less CO2 emissions over their lifetime. With its environmental benefits, its usage in daily operations is also part of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Beyond this, companies can also get numerous tax breaks and grants on the ability to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. 

4.Positive Public Image 

As the comPetition in every industry increase, companies need to stand out. With the adoption of EVs in Business, the company’s brand image builds, pulling it up as a forward-looking, tech-savvy, and environmentally friendly brand. 

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The new generation of users prioritizes green initiatives and considers associating themselves with environmentally conscious brands. They use products that support their environmental commitment. By switching to electric vehicles, your Business can demonstrate its commitment to reducing emissions and contributing to a cleaner future. 

5.Tax Benefits 

Businesses can take tax benefits by switching to electric vehicles. Depending on the state you operate in, there are federal, state, or local tax credits or rebates available for purchasing EVs. These incentives help decrease the high initial cost associated with purchasing EVs. Many states also provide exemptions in road tax and registration fees for EVs. 

6.Becoming Energy Independent 

Fleets or large companies that require multiple vehicles to operate can choose to have their own Electric vehicle charging stations installed on their premises. It allows companies to be energy independent. Statiq, installs EV Chargers in corporate offices, malls and public places enabling accessible EV Charging. 

As more countries around the world commit to reducing carbon emissions, regulations around transportation will become stricter. By switching to electric vehicles now, your Business can future-proof its operations and avoid the higher costs and penalties associated with non-compliance in the future. 

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