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Days Of The Year

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15th)



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Every year and on the 15th of June, it’s time to observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

The abuse of the elderly is a serious issue and something that this day aims to raise much-needed awareness of. The elderly should be given support and protection all year round, and today ensures their plight is not ignored.

Financial, emotional, or physical abuse and neglect can be a real everyday issue for some elders in the world – in fact, it is estimated that around 500,000 elders in the UK alone are being subjected to abuse today.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day encourages us to make steps towards a world where elder abuse is no longer an issue, by raising awareness and providing resources and information to help the battle against it.

History of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

The United Nations General Assembly designated June 15th as World Elder Abuse Awareness day in its 66/127 resolution. It is meant to be a day in which the entire world voices its opposition to any form of abuse of the older generation.

The amount of older people in the world is growing, and will continue to do so – in fact, pretty much all countries in the world are expecting considerable growth in the number of elderly residents between 2015 and 2030.

Despite it being an accepted issue across the world and the subject of much opposition, elder abuse is one of the least investigated types of violence and it does not get addressed in national action plans as frequently as many other key social issues.

Those of advanced age have a full right to being treated with dignity and respect, and to live a life free of any abuse, exploitation or neglect.

Today seeks to ensure that as few elderly people as possible are subjected to homelessness, bad Health, hunger, and poverty.

How to observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

There are a number of ways you can help fundraise for the cause of this day if you so wish. You can also donate to charities which support the elderly and their well-being.

Perhaps today you could play your part by volunteering somewhere which ensures the happiness of the elderly, such as in a retirement home. You could also visit an elderly relative and spend some time chatting or having a cup of tea.

Be sure to spread the word by posting about the day on your social media accounts.
