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Understanding the Fascinating World of Animals





Domestic animals have their significant contribution to Earth and positively influence our lives in many ways. Whether it is a small insect or the mammoth-sized mammal, this extremely diverse population possesses an even more diverse set of behaviors, adaptations and characteristics, which continue to grab the interest of researchers.

There are animal species in the Animal Kingdom that are very distinct from each other.

Animalia classification points to the large number of animals that exist in the organization of the earth’s system, each created to face specific situations in their ecosystem. This diversity can be generally classified under two subgroups Vertebrates and Invertebrates.


Vertebrates: Backbone of Biodiversity

Examples for Vertebrates are mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes which are animals that have backbones. Each group has its distinct features:

  • Mammals keep a set body temperature, body covered with hair or fur, most are viviparous.
  • The features of birds include feathers, beak, and flying capabilities although it is requisite to note that not all bird species have the ability to fly.
  • Snakes, lizards, and turtles are the popular reptiles, as they have scales on their skin and they are oviparous.
  • Salamanders and frogs are good examples of something that occupy both the land habitat as well as the water environment at different stages of their lifecycle.

Fish are said to be aquatic animals since they live underwater and feed through gills and are depicted to have limbs that are called fins which are used to move in water.

Invertebrates: The Hidden Majority

It excludes maMMAls, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish because these Animals are technically known as vertebrates as they have a bacKBOne, invertebrates are the largest group of Animals and include insects. This group includes insects, arachnids, mollusks, and crustaceans:

  • Insects are one of the most diverse and large groupings of species found in ants, butterflies and many more. Insects facilitate important functions in ecosystems such as pollination and composting.
  • Spiders or scorpions are well known for eight legs and in most of the instances they are carnivorous.
  • Mollusks are snails, octopuses, and clams, most of which have a shell and some soft-tissue features.
  • Aquatic animals common in most associations include some crustaceans like crabs, lobsters, shrimps where most of the members have a hard cover or exoskeleton.


Adaptations and Survival Strategies

To lay more emphasis on the fact that the animals have been able to adapt to their environments, more so to survive, here are key features about the animals: They can occur at the structural, behavioral, and physiological levels, thus helping the animal survive and maintain body homeostasis.

Structural Adaptations

These are physical features, which will enable an animal to survive in the given environment or area. They include: the kind of fur grown by polar bears which is useful in aiding it in movements in cold weather and the long neck slowly developed by giraffes which enables them to feed on high vegetation.

Behavioral Adaptations

These are physical changes that occur in an organism in a bid and call to adapt to new conditions in an environment. Some birds and other Animals move from one place to another in search of food or a favorable breeding environment, while some Animals are also active at night to avoid the prying eyes of potential predators.

Physiological Adaptations

These acclimations take place within the body of the animal and can be linked to metabolism. For example, the body of a camel contains a lot of fat tissues in humps that, on the deprivation of food, offer water and energy.

The Importance of Conservation

The creatures and their homes from a delicate ecosystem hence the need to protect them to ensure they do not go extinct. Some are: preserving ecological land, raising up breeding grounds for endangered species, enacting laws against destruction of habitats and pollution of environments.


About Animals: Those wonderful creatures evolving on Earth from the primitive forms, so diverse and pliable, are necessary for the existence of the whole world and to comprehend the importance of life. In that sense, the animal kingdom demonstrates that with proper appreciation and preservation, we are able to maintain the visually diverse and harmonious globe.

