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Unbreakable connections: The extraordinary bond between a saved baby cow and an African giant spurred tortoise




Animals frequently form alliances. But what if it originates from unique animal species? A relationship between species is always praiseworthy. These creatures recognize mutual affection and care, gradually develop trust, and create a beautiful friendship. In this story, consider the case of the juvenile cow and the coɩossaɩ turtle.

Leonardo, an African spurred tortoise, had no idea what the future held for him when he was rescued from a menagerie in Bangkok, Thailand. He went to the Wildlife Friends of Thailand (WFFT) Support Centre, which has provided assistance and shelter to hundreds of Animals in need. Since his death in 2013, life at Leonardo’s sanctuary has provided comfort and satisfaction.

Wfft staff placed the calf in a large open enclosure and then transferred it to a field with two other rescued heifers to speed up its recovery. Simon had already met Leonardo. After a few encounters, the young cow and the huge turtle became close friends.

Wfft said: “We decided to temporarily house him in a large open-range enclosure within the Wfft Calf Centre so he could recover from his ordeal.” We then planned to move him to a pasture where two other rescued calves reside.

Wfft wrote: “They are often seen following each other around, sharing meals and celebrating together.” We hope this unique friendship continues to thrive.
