Great white sharks split into three distinct groups about 100,000 to 200,000 years ago and seldom mingled, a new study shows. The findings...
Greenland sharks can live for hundreds of years, but scientists have never understood why. Now, researchers may have finally discovered...
In 2013, fishers off Southern California reeled in an enormous, 11-foot-long (3.3 meters) mako shark. At over 1,300 pounds (590 kilograms),...
Orcas are hunting sharks in the Gulf of California, targeting large species including bull sharks and blacktips, scientists reveal....
Hundreds of hammerhead sharks gather around an ancient volcano in the Pacific Ocean, drawn by secret signals radiating from the seabed,...
Baby bull sharks are showing up way more often in the waters off Alabama, researchers found.In a study published March 14 in Scientific...
Rarely-seen deep-sea sharks have been spotted Mysteriously gathering off a seamount near Panama — the first time the species...
Two-headed animals? Yeah, they show up in mythology, and in the movies, and we’ve heard a weird thing or two after nuclear disasters...
An estimated 80 million sharks are dying in fisheries each year despite global regulations aimed at protecting them from finning, scientists...
Three sailors from Russia and France have been rescued after the inflatable catamaran they were trying to sail in from Vanuatu to Australia...
Drones are sweeping over the ocean off the coast of New York’s Long Island to patrol the waters for any danger possibly lurkingWANTAGH,...
The marine Animals of the Devonian period, over 100 million years before the first dinosaurs, tended to be small and meek, but Dunkleosteus was...
Not only was Megalodon the biggest prehistoric shark that ever lived; it was the largest marine predator in the history of the planet,...
The marine Animals of the Devonian period, over 100 million years before the first dinosaurs, tended to be small and meek, but Dunkleosteus was...
An international wildlife conference has moved to enact some of the most significant protection for shark species targeted in the fin...