The recent release of “Unfrosted,” which was directed by Jerry Seinfeld, had an underwhelming debut on Netflix and has even been...
Authorities in Colombia say a prolific serial killer who confessed to murdering more than 190 children during the 1990s has died in...
A California man has been arrested in connection with serial murders targeting strip club workers in Mexico. A California man has been...
The Portland Police Bureau in Oregon took a strong stance against “online rumors” Sunday, shutting down theories of a serial killer...
Scott Kimball manipulated the trust of his victims — and the system itself — to conceal his cold-blooded killing spree. His sons...
A homeowner who hit an Australian reddit thread hoping for suggestions on jazzing up a shoddy makeshift downstairs shower area received...
An alleged serial killer in the California city of Stockton has been linked to a seventh murder in the region, according to an amended...
Confessed French serial killer Charles Sobhraj has been released from prison in Nepal after serving most of his sentenceKATHMANDU,...