In May, the most powerful geomagnetic storm in more than two decades slammed Earth, leading to intense northern lights displays as...
The moon's glow meets a multicolored aurora in a new astronaut image from space.International Space Station (ISS) and NASA astronaut...
Three high-speed solar explosions known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are set to slam into Earth's magnetic field this weekend,...
A remarkably smooth and puzzling Christmas Day aurora observed over the Arctic in 2022 was the result of a 'rainstorm' of electrons...
Auroras are perhaps the most spectacular natural light shows on Earth — and they look even more majestic from above.Also called...
Last week, a huge solar flare sent a wave of energetic particles from the Sun surging out through space. Over the weekend, the wave...
Earth has just experienced its most powerful geomagnetic storm in more than 20 years after a series of solar storms smashed into our...
Invisible "global auroras" have been covering Mars frequently over the past few months, according to data collected by a NASA spacecraft....
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is set to begin investigating the spectacular light shows of solar system giants Uranus and Saturn.Two...
A bizarre dent in Earth's magnetic field above the southern Atlantic Ocean weakens the southern lights, new research finds. The...
A probe launched by the United Arab Emirates to explore the Martian environment captured a very unusual phenomenon on camera: a nighttime...