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UFO Aliens

Shocking invasion of over a hundred UFOs in Entre Rios, Argentina




Apparently, in recent days, the “wave of UFOs” has swept not only the United States and Brazil. Also in Argentina, there is an increase in sightings:

Video footage showing some of the UFOs.

For several days, many UFOs were recorded in the skies of Victoria (Entre Rios) in the vicinity of Laguna del Pescado. Some residents are afraid, others see it as a sign.

The beautiful city of Victoria in the province of Entre Rios is today the epicenter of a wave of UFO sightings like never before seen in all of Argentina.

To find us in the sky, you can see strange lights in the quadrant of the star Rigel; a star used by observers as a guide. As far as the horizon is concerned, the phenomenon is recorded about 20 degrees above the planetary line, just below Cruzeiro do Sul.

The activity started on the night of November 2 at 11:42 pm and slowed down only at 2:04 am. The movement of these lights, and there are more than 100 of them, is nothing but shooting stars, because some moved up, others crossed, and some just rolled horizontally.

At all times, researchers have followed the movement of these white dots in the sky using satellite tracking programs to avoid confusion. Also considered was commercial air activity in the area, which at the time was almost zero. The broadcast could be watched live on the YouTube channel of researcher Fernando Silva Hildebrandt.

The Vision of UFO research team surprised Silvia Pérez Simondini could only say that “I’ve never seen anything like it in your life.” Beside him, Andrea Pérez Simondini promised to study the experience carefully.

During the night many of these strange lights were seen, white, yellow and red.

The question remains: what are they?
