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S29. The Remarkable Story of Fubao the Panda that Moved Thousands of South Koreans to Tears. S29




As the first panda born in Korea, Fubao captured the hearts of Korean people because of his adorable and mischievous appearance. Recently, it was time for Fubao to return to China, making thousands of people cry sadly.

Fubao is a familiar name to animal lovers. The panda captured the hearts of Korean people because of its adorable and mischievous appearance.

Fubao is a familiar name to animal lovers. The panda captured the hearts of Korean people because of its adorable and mischievous appearance.

Recently, Everland Zoo held a farewell ceremony for FuBao on time to return to China. Thousands of people lined up from early morning to see FuBao one last time.

As the first panda born in Korea, Fubao is famous in the pandabiz world as the “tycoon princess” when she is fully sponsored by Samsung Group, lives in a comfortable environment and has someone to take care of her. thoroughly.

Fubao’s popularity has gone far beyond Korea and has helped this “black eye Celebrity” have special things that surprise fans.

In early February 2024, Fubao was honored to become a “special honorary citizen” of Yongin city, Gyeonggi province (South Korea).

Many fans often compare Fubao to a super idol in Korea because he has his own fansite dedicated to updating images every day.

Up to now, Fubao is probably the panda that owns the most methodically published photobooks and books. Many books written about this adorable panda from childhood to adulthood have become best-sellers such as “Baby panda Fubao”, “Omniscient Fubao Viewpoint”. “I am Fubao’s happy grandfather”, “Fubao, always love you”,…

In addition, Fubao also owns its own collection of goods, including stickers, phone rings, t-shirts, cups, T-Money cards (public transportation payment cards in Korea),…

It is no exaggeration to say that Fubao is a true idol when items related to this panda are sought after by fans to buy as soon as they go on sale and are also in a situation where “there are many buyers but the quantity is limited”.

The panda Fubao still seems bewildered and does not understand what happened on the day he was transported back to China.

Mr. Song – the person who closely raised the “black-eyed princess” could not hide his emotions on the day he saw off his “child”.

It rained heavily in Korea, but a large number of Korean people were present at Everland Park to say goodbye to Fubao.

Many Korean people were unable to hold back their tears and so was Mr. Song, who raised the princess for so long and could not control his emotions.

Everland has prepared a canola flower road for Fubao, and even wrote blessings on the canola flowers. Fubao’s car will stop here, fans will cheer for Fubao on the canola flower road.
