.Heroic Act: Rescuing Live Turtles from Fish Markets and Returning Them to the Ocean..D
What a turtle-y awesome guy… (sorry)
There’s seven different species of sea turtles in the world and because marine turtle fishing is still legal in most areas, nearly all of them are endangered.
Most of us will hear this news and feel sad, but then get on with our day- but not Arron Culling.
This Papua New Guinea local has been taking turtles from local fish markets and driving them back to the ocean.
Live endangered turtles can be found on many fish stalls, waiting to be chosen as someone’s dinner.
“Found these at the local market,” Culling wrote on Facebook on Friday, when uploading images of him and his colleagues releasing the Animals back into the ocean.
“Got them for 50 bucks drove 5km up the road and let them go.”
Arron has already saved ten of these awesome creatures from becoming someone’s meal and is carrying on with his plan to keep rescuing them whenever he can.
Not only is that ten more endangered turtles still in the world, it’s also thousands of people reading about the hunting practices of these endangered species.
Shows how a small act of kindness can make a big difference….
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