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RI Weather for Dec. 15, 2022 – John Donnelly




by John Donnelly, meteorologist

Gradual increase in thickening and lowering cloud cover precedes the next storm system currently spinning about over the central US. We’ll eventually see rain by midnight Friday that will carry through the night with varying intensity. Morning lows around 30 rise to the low 40’s with light northeasterly breezes gusting to 25 mph.  Northwestern elevated portions of RI may see some snow early in the storms advance, but rain will be the main issue.


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John Donnelly was born in Hialeah, Florida and moved back to Rhode Island and settled in Johnston, where he grew up until graduating from Lyndon State College in 1998 with a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology. As a child John always wanted to know how air moved, and he ran towards, not away from, thunder and lighting and various other ominous weather phenomena. He returned in 2001 to the old family neighborhood of Elmhurst where the McCabe’s, Donnelly’s, Walker’s and Callan’s have been since after the Civil War.
