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Days Of The Year

National Splurge Day (June 18th)



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Are you tired of moderation, endless budgeting and taking the frugal option? If so then National Splurge Day is definitely for you. While for the rest of the year a person may be a model of financial prudence, National Splurge Day is an opportunity to let that hair down, go wild and spend a little more on something decadent! 

History of National Splurge Day

Saving money and being financially responsible is a vital part of surviving as an adult in this day and age. Everyone works hard for their money, paying taxes and buying insurance. Paying back student loans or buying diapers for the babies. Saving for the future.

That’s right, being fiscally responsible and living within a budget is a task that all but the wealthiest folks in the world need to do. But… there is one day when all bets are off and it’s time to have a little fun. It’s National Splurge Day!

The History of National Splurge Day can be traced back a few decades, to 1994, when the day was founded by Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith. Hailing from Chicago and owner of her own communications company, Ms. Coopersmith considers herself to be an “eventologist”, founding holidays as a way of enjoying and celebrating the good in the world following a traumatic event in her own life. With a flair for the whimsical, Koopersmith wanted to encourage people to enjoy life a little bit and so, National Splurge Day was born!

How to Celebrate National Splurge Day

Get involved with this day by celebrating all the luxury that life has to offer! National Splurge Day is just the right time to spend a little extra and enjoy with some of these ideas for celebrating:

Take the Upgrade

Whether booking flights, reserving a hotel room, getting a massage or just ordering a drink, perhaps National Splurge Day is just the right time to say “yes” to those upgrades. Choose the upgrade to Business class or get the gold star hotel room. Indulge in the top shelf liquor for that cocktail and go ahead and order that decadent dessert.

For those who don’t have a ton of money in the bank to splurge with (and going into debt isn’t a great idea!), this day could simply be one where you say “yes” to the whipped cream on top of that coffee drink or go with the super-size fries just this once. Even the small things can mean a lot when they are celebrated!

Splurge on Someone You Love

While it’s true that National Splurge Day might be happily spent indulging alone, most things in life are more enjoyable when they are spent with someone else. Choose a friend who may have been having a hard time and take them out for something they would enjoy. Perhaps a shopping trip, a decadent meal or a day at an amusement park. Spoil someone and enjoy the look on their face as they spend the day being happy and content with all of the fun!

Take the Day Off

Perhaps a splurge for some people might mean simply resting and relaxing. Call off from work and celebrate National Splurge Day with a bubble bath, some takeout and an indulgent day alone.

National Splurge Day is about celebrating and doing something that a person may not usually take the time or money to do. Treat yourself! After all, you only live once, so why not enjoy it?
