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Days Of The Year

National Cranberry Relish Day (November 22nd)



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Everyone knows the sweetness of cranberry sauce during the Thanksgiving holiday, but adding horseradish to cranberries? While it may not sound good, National Cranberry Relish Day is all about celebrating this unusual but tasty side dish in its creation and glory. If you’re curious about how this spicy yet sweet dish got started, read more here to learn about its History and how to make this side dish yourself.

History of National Cranberry Relish Day

Originally it is believed that cranberry relish began in the early 1900’s in New England. However, the recipe didn’t come into full light until the early 1950’s. The Splendid Table, a radio program hosted through American Public Media, has helped originally broadcast the recipe to the world. The show has been around since the 1950’s, and its original host, Lynne Rossetto Kasper, helped bring in chefs from all over to share unique and delicious Recipes to their audiences.

However, one day during its morning edition of the broadcast, Susan Stamberg called in to share her recipe to the Splendid Table audience. Both her and Kasper discussed the Recipes in detail, describing what they would do to make the idea tasty and out of the ordinary. Hence, Mama Stamberg’s cranberry relish was born.

Although the recipe itself doesn’t sound tasty, it can shake things up during the Thanksgiving holiday and surprise many people. What makes cranberry relish different from any other cranberry sauce is the addition of horseradish alongside other ingredients such as onions and sour cream.

The recipe itself has since inspired this holiday and now many people who are looking for a way to change up their Thanksgiving routine can do so through this spicy and tasty treat alongside their turkey.

How to Celebrate National Cranberry Relish Day

Why not make your dinner meals more interesting with Mama Stamberg’s cranberry relish recipe. Begin by grinding 2 cups of whole washed cranberries and one onion into the mix.

Then add 3/4 cup sour cream, 1/2 cup sugar, and 2 tablespoons horseradish from a jar into the mix. Cover with a plastic wrap and freeze. When ready to eat, uncover and thaw it out. You can also add other spices into the mix such as garlic, chili peppers, and ginger if you want to spice things up.

If you love this recipe, then share it on social media and use the hashtag #cranberryrelishday to let your friends know that it’s cranberry relish day.
