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Days Of The Year

National Banana Cream Pie Day (March 2nd)



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On March 2nd every year, it’s time to celebrate cream pie – banana cream pie, to be precise. On this day, pie lovers in the United States raise a spoon to one of the most popular sweet treats in the country. And if you want to join in with your own banana cream pie, don’t worry – there’s no law that says you have to share!

History of National Banana Cream Pie Day

A cream pie is very much what its name suggests – if you buy one or make one, you’ll usually be getting a thin shortcrust pastry filled past the crust with thick creamy custard. On top is usually a thick layer of whipped cream, and depending on the chef it might be topped with coconut, nuts, or dusted with sugar or chocolate.

The creamy custard pudding which makes up its center is similar to creme patisserie, the main part of many French tarts. It’s usually made from milk, flour, cream and eggs and has a soft, smooth consistency that helps give creampie its wobbly appearance.

You’ve probably seen cream pies been used as a comedy gimmick by clowns, and in cartoons and kids shows, where getting a pie in the face is a time-honored way of getting some laughs. Although usually when used on TV, a cream pie will be a plate of whipped cream, without any bananas in there at all!

The English version of banana cream pie is called ‘banoffee’ pie, being a portmanteau of ‘banana’ and ‘toffee’. The recipe for this desert is much richer than its American counterpart, calling for lashings of condensed milk and toffee and often served with ice cream.

How to celebrate National Banana Cream Pie Day

This is a simple one – all you really need to do to successfully observe this day is to get your hands on one of the sweet treats yourself! You don’t have to go far to find a supermarket or patisserie that will be able to sell you a slice or two, but to really get into the spirit of things you could always try your hand at rustling up a pie of your own!

To make a good banana cream pie, you only need a few ingredients – pie crusts, milk, cream, egg, banana, sugar. Simply pour your custard mixture into the pie crusts and top with whipped cream – add an extra flourish with some powdered chocolate or shredded toffee.
