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My Dad Who Left 20 Years Ago Called from His Deathbed for a Final Wish — What He Asked Broke My Heart




When my estranged father, who left 20 years ago, called from his deathbed, I was torn between anger and curiosity. His final wish revealed shocking truths.

I was getting ready for bed when an unfamiliar number called, followed by a text: “ALICE, THIS IS YOUR DAD. PLEASE CALL, I AM IN THE HOSPITAL.” My heart stopped. Dad? After twenty years? Curiosity won, and I called back.


“Alice, it’s me. I… I don’t have much time.”

“Why are you calling now?”

“I need to explain… to ask something of you. But please, don’t tell your mother.” He revealed that my grandfather paid him to disappear because he thought Dad was a failure. “I took the money to secure your future.”

“Why didn’t you come back?”

“I couldn’t. But I watched from a distance, saw your graduation, your volleyball Games.”

I felt my world tilt. “Why didn’t Mom tell me?”

“Maybe she thought she was protecting you.”

“What do you want now?”

“I need to see you, Alice. One last time before I go.”

I decided to go. At the hospital, he looked frail. “Alice,” he whispered.

“Why did you do it, Dad?”

“I thought it was the best way to secure a future for you. I wrote letters every year. They’re in a safety deposit box.”

After his death, I found the letters. They were filled with his regrets and love. I confronted Mom, who admitted she thought it was best for me too.

In the end, I used the money to start a scholarship fund in his name, honoring his memory and sacrifices.

Katy Perry Flaunts New Lower Back «Tattoo» in a Risky Outfit, Sparks Criticism

Katy Perry has once again captured the spotlight with her unapologetic style. The pop icon, known for her daring fashion sense, arrived at an award event in a stunning getup that raised some eyebrows.

Katy Perry’s latest look was a showstopper with a bold black thong visible under a vibrant red skirt that laced up. She paired it with a corset top and towering black heels, radiating sheer confidence. Her sleek ponytail was the perfect match for her pearl necklace and earrings.

But it wasn’t just her clothes that made waves; Perry also showed off a new 3D skin color prosthetic tattoo of a butterfly on her lower back.

Katy’s bold look and the tattoo earned her praise from the fans but some also expressed their unhappiness. «I’m sad that children see this….» commented a person on Katy’s photo. «Sorry but this dress and butterfly tattoo or whatever it is is ew,» added another.

Another Celebrity who made headlines for their risky outfit is Kristen Stewart who opted for a look without pants. Check out her photos here.

Preview photo credit Richard Shotwell/Invision/East News, katyperry / Instagram
