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Mystery Creature

Kap Dwa, a 3.66-meter-tall, two-headed Patagonian giant, “discovered” in South America




*There are many stories about giants, and they are not rare, but this case that concerns us today; it is one of the few where a giant, named Kap Dwa, had two heads and was 3.66 meters tall.

* The remains of this man, who they say is of South American origin, lie in a small museum in the US Various records portray the figure, who would have lived in the 17th century.

A small museum in Baltimore, in the USA, preserves the mummified remains of a 3.66 meter giant with two heads, which would have Patagonian origin.

To understand the story; We must go back centuries, when the Portuguese sailor Fernando de Magallanes arrived on the Patagonian coast between 1510 and 1520, in search of a passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific, a passage that today bears his name. But that trip not only served to find the famous strait but also to place this part of the world as one of the epicenters of “giant” life.

Antonio Pigafetta, a sailor faithful to Magellan, wrote in the trip log: “We saw near the beach (in Tierra del Fuego) a man who was so big that our head barely reached his waist.” They called them “Patagones”, some historians say that the Patagonia nomination comes from the excessive size of their feet.

Kap Dwa, the two-headed giant

Catch illustration.

Despite being more than 3.66 meters tall and having two heads, Kap Dwa was captured in 1673 by Spanish navigators who held him captive inside the ship on which they were transporting.

The Spanish constantly flogged and beat him; what determined to try a flight, but during the fight that took place; they killed him with a spear in the chest.

The subsequent events are unclear, but the mummified remains of him were taken to England in the 19th century, where he passed through various circus freak rides, ending up at Weston’s Birnbeck Pier in 1914.

After being shown for the next 45 years in North Somerset, England, the old Kap Dwa was acquired by Thomas Howard in 1959, and after a few transfers he finally ended up in Baltimore, USA… Today, still it can be found among the collection of rarities at The Antique Man Ltd. in Baltimore, owned by Robert Gerber and his wife.

another version of the story
Gerber offers a somewhat different past to the giant, though in the end it’s still the same tragic event. The corpse of the only Homo giganticus was found on a beach, with a spear stuck in its chest and there is nothing about its attacker. His body was later mummified and even worshiped by some locals who formed a kind of religion based on his remains.

The 3.66 m giant is in the US

Rumors of Kap Dwa reached the old world reaching Captain George Bickle of the English ship Olive Branch, prompting Bickle to claim the remains of the giant, but that was not an easy task as they would have ended up stealing it in the end. -After- and according to Gerber, Kap Dwa was taken to England, ending up in the Blackpool museum, where he remained for the next several years; to later embark it on the trip to Baltimore, Maryland.

The tallest man officially recorded was Robert Wadlow (1918-1940), who stood 2.72 m (8 ft 11 in) tall, and is considered highly unlikely by skeptics that Kap Dwa is real, although it is physically possible for a man to reach the size of the legendary giant. As for his two heads, if he really did have two heads to begin with, Siamese twins aren’t exactly uncommon, especially in those days.

Those who have seen the giant up close state that there are no visible seams or seams and the only piece of rope was from his loincloth, concluding that no fraudulent taxidermy had been performed on the unusual exhibit.

However, Kap Dwa was not the only giant that came to be mentioned in anecdotes from the 17th century.

The Dutch captain Sebalt de Weert (1567-1603) described an incident in which he and his crew witnessed members belonging to a race of giants.

Passing through the Strait of Magellan, de Weert saw seven unusually large rowboats threateningly approaching his ships. The ships were supposedly manned by naked giants with reddish-brown skin and long, red hair. Their posture and demeanor were aggressive, determining Weert to walk away from them.

There are also several documents from almost the same time period in which the existence of giants is recorded.

One of these writings is the Ríos Codex, also known as the Vatican A Codex. This manuscript is the 16th-century Italian translation of an older document written during Spanish colonial times.

The writing offers an intriguing full-page illustration of several Aztec warriors defeating and executing a gigantic man. The annotations provide the giant’s name – Quinametzin, which translates as One of the Ancient Ones.
