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Days Of The Year

International Happy Gose Day (November 17th)



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Do you like trying new drinks? Have you ever thought, “Well that sounds interesting, what is it?” Would you like something that will liven up your taste buds from somewhere other than the local pub or bar?

Then Gose is just for you, different from every region in Germany and made an uproar when it was made due to the law pertaining to how it was supposed to be made by the standards of German Brewing. Yes, it is a Beer, but not your average beer from the local market, give it a try see if it suits your pallet.

History of International Happy Gose Day

This fascinating brew made its debut in the early sixteenth century in the town of Goslar, where it also gets its name. What made this beer so interesting was that it spontaneously fermented without the addition of yeast. Why were the brewers of Germany so upset?

The addition of coriander and salt was not permitted by the by the German purity laws of the time known as (Reinheitsgebot), but they ultimately decided to give it a pass as a regional specialty. Some of the main characteristics of sourness were due to the addition of lactobacillus bacteria after it had finished boiling adding a unique taste.

Gose became officially known as part of the sour wheat beers from Northern Germany along with the Belgian witbier, the Berliner Weisse, and the Broyhan to name a few. It was made until the beginning of WWII where it was nationalized, the breweries then closed and thus it disappeared until 1949 when it started being produced again by Friedrich Wurzler Brauerei as he knew the techniques to making the renowned brew. Brewing the Beer until he died, the techniques for brewing it were then passed to his stepson Guido Pfnister.

How to celebrate International Happy Gose Day

Go out and try a new beer by asking for the Gose Beer, even though you might not like wheat beers or Sour wheat beers give it a try expanding your palette, it’s an excellent beer and may grow on you.

Go out with friends and have a night on the town doing a beer crawl to try new and different kinds of brews, each of you ordering a different one so you all can try something new. Just make sure the Gose is on the list as it is a famous beer originating in Germany and who knows, you may find it something you like for special occasions.
