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Curating Couture: Meet Ikko Yokoyama, Curator for Design at M+




Ikko Yokoyama, the lead curator for design and architecture at M+, gives us an inside look on how she brings the work of China’s creative genius, Guo Pei, to a Hong Kong audience.

I focus on creating relevance and resonance for the audience, whether the works are historical or contemporary. It’s highly valuable to me that the audience can draw connections from the exhibition to their own lives, even if the subject matter seems distant to them. 

My curatorial approach is interdisciplinary, blending aspects of visual arts, design, and architecture to explore a broader artistic canon. As a curator who specialises in craft design, I particularly pay close attention to small details, ensuring the special design and piece placement complements the exhibition’s thesis.

I’m particularly inspired by the Japanese Tea House, where various traditional art forms harmoniously unite to form gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art), mirroring my interests in the physical and material manifestation of concepts. 

Akari 24N, Isamu Noguchi (1960) on display at M+

I did not want to limit her to the fashion world, the goal was to position Guo Pei alongside other contemporary artists and creators. Her imaginative and cross-cultural work aligns with the approach of other artists from M+. We also aimed to weave a network of visual and thematic ideas across different media, eras and cultures, with her exquisite haut-couture garments as the focal point of the exhibition.

Like finding a new species in a fantastical garden, this exhibition invites the audience to explore the pieces like a winding path, exploring each piece as it appears. Inspired by her Garden of Soul collection. 

The biggest challenge I faced was procuring The Gold Boat from the Elysium collection (2018), as it’s highly demanded by multiple museums. It’s a spectacular piece that truly reflects the intricacies of Guo Pei’s artistic genius. 

The Gold Boat, Guo Pei (2018)

Guo Pei’s garments, each adorned with intricate embroideries, sequins, and limestones, are true artisanal jewels, each requiring extensive hours of meticulous craft. This dedication reflects her passion for dressmaking and her commitment to revitalising Chinese craftsmanship for the 21st century.

M+ is Asia’s first global museum of contemporary and visual culture based in Hong Kong. We are working to explore and redefine the History of 20th and 21st-century visual art, design, and architecture, with a focus on Asia and beyond. As art continues to shift from a western-centric perspective to a global one, M+ is committed to leading this change in Asia. 
