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Admire and be surprised at the moment a 2-year-old girl supports and encourages her mother during labor and birth




A mother who gave birth with the help of her daughter says having her 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘽 by her side was a “gift,” and everyone agrees.

Ariel Hayes, a resident of Colorado in the US, shared her birth experience in a video and explained that although some people have told her that it was inappropriate for her daughter to be present at the birth, she wouldn’t trade it for anything. world.

Hayes, mother of a daughter named Izzy, was delighted when she announced that she was pregnant and asked if she wanted to be present at the birth. Ariel shared, “The truth is, when I told him I was going to have a brother or sister, he asked me if he could be there. It wasn’t something I had to think about; I was sure I wanted him to be there.”

Advised by her daughter, Ariel decided that it would be an excellent idea to have her support, and fortunately, one of her friends, Thomas, was willing to photograph the process and help prepare Izzy for the arrival of the her new brother.

Ariel explained to Izzy what she could expect during childbirth, including pain and the possibility of seeing blood, but Izzy didn’t flinch at all. Ariel commented: “I also explained to her how she could help me during the birth, like giving me back massages. She just nodded and said that she would help me ‘catch it’ when the time came.”

Izzy stayed by Ariel’s side throughout the birth process, and when the midwife announced that 𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎 was going to be born, Izzy moved her hands away from her and touched the baby’s head. Ariel shared, “During the last push, the midwife led Izzy, and there was the 𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎 in her arms. That moment was incredible, possibly the most important moment of my life.”

After her birth, Izzy stayed in the birthing pool while Ariel delivered the placenta. They were then moved to the bed, where they lay down together and began their life as a family of four.

Despite some criticism and questioning, Ariel considers that allowing Izzy to be present at her brother’s birth was a wonderful experience. She comments: “People have told me I’m a terrible mother for letting Izzy watch me give birth, and others have called it 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 abυse. But I wouldn’t change a thing. I watched my mother give birth to my sister when I was 14 years, and it was a life-changing moment for me. Izzy and Henry are very close, and she loves helping me take care of him.”

The story of Ariel and her daughter is an example of how motherhood can be a beautiful and unique experience, and how the participation of children in the birth process can strengthen family ties.
