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A star called “Gliese 710” is traveling at 51,499 kph directly at our solar system




Gliese 710, also known as HIP 89825, is a 0.6 M☉ orange star in the constellation Serpens Cauda. It is expected to pass close to the Sun in approximately 1.29 million years, at a minimum distance of 0.1663 light-years (10,520 astronomical units) (about 160 billion km) – roughly 1/25th of the present distance to Proxima Centauri.

At such a distance, the brightness would be comparable to that of the brightest planets, with an ideal apparent visual magnitude of roughly 2.7. (brighter than Mars at opposition). The star’s correct motion will peak at around one arcminute per year, a rate of apparent motion that would be visible over the course of a human lifetime.

Based on data from Gaia DR3, this timescale falls well within the boundaries of existing models, which encompass the next 15 million years. And, since its path will take it through the Oort cloud, more cometary activity in our solar system is to be predicted. Learn more in the video below:
