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/10. British fisherman reels in a colossal catch: a 5-foot carp weighing over 100 lbs, described as an absolute monster of the waters.




A BRITISH fisherman will be carp-ing on about catching this whopper as it is one of the largest ever landed.

Warren Harrison, 54, drove 2,580 miles across Europe to fight the 5ft long carp fish which weighed a staggering 101lb 8oz – the third biggest ever caught.

Pest controller Mr Harrison visited the 28-acre lake in Hungry which is renowned for giant fish.

The father-of-two was asleep in his bivvy tent when a bite alarm went off.

He grabbed his rod and soon realised he had hooked a leviathan.

It took him a grueling half an hour to tease in the monster from the deep, with sweat dripping down his face despite sub-zero temperatures.

And when Mr Harrison, of Denton, Greater Manchester, finally pulled it in his friend David Treasure had to help him drag it onto the scales.

Warren said: “As soon as I got to my rod and felt it I realised it was massive, and I turned to my mate and said ‘This is a monster’.

“Half an hour is a very long time to try and land a fish, my arms were in agony and sweat was just pouring down my face. I was boiling hot, but it was so cold even our kettle had frozen solid.

“I just kept seeing this big vortexes bubbling up in the water and when it popped up I just though ‘Jesus’.

“I couldn’t pick it up and we had to both lift it to be weighed. My fingers were trembling with the weight when I posed for the pictures.

“It wasn’t a world record but I’m still pretty chuffed with it, as it’s the second biggest carp caught by a British angler.”

The biggest carp ever landed by a Brit was caught by Hampshire’s Stephen Weir at the same venue last year and weighed in at 104lb 2oz. He was just short of Czech angler Tomas Krist’s world record of 105lb 130z – who also landed the beast in Hungary.
